A React toolkit
React Tackle
A toolkit of React components
A simple timer render prop component
Check out a working example here
import { Timer } from 'react-tackle'
<Timer name="Timer 1">
{({ time, getStartProps, getStopProps, getClearProps }) => (
<button {...getStartProps()}>Start</button>
<button {...getStopProps()}>Stop</button>
<button {...getClearProps()}>Clear</button>
name: string [required] - a unique name to identify the timer
child: (stateAndHelpers) => React.ReactNode - the child function which is detailed below
Child function
The child function will be called with an object containing the following properties:
time: number - the current count of the timer
getStartProps: a prop getter function which returns the props for the start button
getStopProps: a prop getter function which returns the props for the stop button
getClearProps: a prop getter function which returns the props for the clear button
Prop Getters
Prop getters is a pattern made popular by Kent C Dodds with Downshift
A prop getter is a function which takes a prop object as an argument. It composes the prop object with internal props and then returns the new prop object to be spread on the target element.
A render prop that provides access to the IntersectionObserver API
Check out a working example here
import { Intersection } from 'react-tackle'
<Intersection threshold={[0.4, 0.6]}>
{({ ref, inView }) => (
<div ref={ref} style={style.wrapper({ background, inView })}>
threshold: array [optional] - an array of thresholds at which the intersection status will be updated. Defaults to 0.
child: (stateAndHelpers) => React.ReactNode - the child function which is detailed below
Child function
The child function will be called with an object containing the following properties:
ref: React.Ref - the ref to be applied to the target element
inView: boolean - boolean to indicate if the target is in view
A render prop that provides access useful properties on the window API
Check out a working example here
import { Window } from 'react-tackle'
{({ scrollY, scrollX, scrollYDirection, scrollXDirection }) => {
return (
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'column',
position: 'fixed',
<span>Scroll Y: {scrollY}</span>
<span>Scroll X: {scrollX}</span>
<span>Scroll Y Direction: {scrollYDirection}</span>
<span>Scroll X Direction: {scrollXDirection}</span>
Child function
The child function will be called with an object containing the following properties:
scrollX: number - the number of pixels scrolled on the X axis
scrollY: number - the number of pixels scrolled on the Y axis
scrollXDirection: string ["left", "right] - the scroll direction on the X axis
scrollYDirection: string ["up", "down] - the scroll direction on the Y axis
A render prop that provides access to the the fetch API
Check out a working example here
import { Fetch } from 'react-tackle'
<Fetch execute url="">
{({ loading, error, data }) => {
if (loading) return <div>Loading</div>
if (error) return <div>Error{console.log(error)}</div>
return <Post {} />
<Fetch method="POST" url="">
{({ data, loading, error, execute }) => {
if (loading) return <div>Loading</div>
if (error) return <div>Error</div>
return (
<PostForm onSubmit={args => execute(args)} />
<Post {} />
url: string [required] - the url to fetch
options: RequestInit [optional] - request options object, will over-write options provided by other props
body?: object [optional] - the request body
headers?: object [optional] - the request headers. Default for "GET" { "Accept": "application/json" } otherwise { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
method: string [optional] - defaults to "GET"
execute: boolean - if true the fetch will execute on mount, otherwise the execute function must be called
children: (state: State) => React.ReactNode - the child function detailed below
Child function
The child function will be called with an object containing the following properties:
data: any - the json body of the response
loading: boolean - the number of pixels scrolled on the Y axis
error: string - error from the request
execute: (body? : object) => void - a function when executes the request, can be called with the body of the request
Simply calls a function onMount. Can be used as a render prop with child function which will be called with the result of the call
call: function [required] - the function to call on mount
args: any [optional] - the arguments to call the function with
children: (state: State) => React.ReactNode - the child function detailed below
Child function
The child function will be called with an object containing the following properties:
data: any - the result of the call