'react-table-builder' is a React component library that allows you to easily display tables with columns and fetch data from external sources. With react-json-table, you can create dynamic tables in your React applications by simply passing JSON data and
'react-table-builder' is a React component library that allows you to easily display tables with columns and fetch data from external sources. With react-json-table, you can create dynamic tables in your React applications by simply passing JSON data and column configuration.
'react-table-builder' is a React.js library for making life easy if you want to fetch data and display on table.
You can install react-json-table via npm:
npm install react-table-builder
To use react-table-builder, import the DynamicTable component into your React component and pass the JSON data and column configuration as props.
import DynamicTable from "react-table-builder";
function App() {
const appData = {
id: 1,
title: "ContactUs Form Filled Data",
isEditable: true,
apiURL: "http://localhost:8081/contactus", // This URL will be used to fetch data from database
multiRecords: true,
pageSize: 10, // Page Size, if you want to add pagination, if not required, remove this key.
srNo:true, // If you want Serial number at the starting of table
data: [
id: 1,
name: "firstName", // Column key name expecting from api responce
displayName: "First Name", // Column name to be displayed
displayOnTable: true, // If you want to display on table
input: "text",
isActive: true,
id: 2,
name: "lastName",
displayName: "Last Name",
order: 2,
editable: true,
displayOnTable: true,
input: "text",
isActive: true,
dataType: "String",
required: "Please enter last name",
isSearchable: true, // This field will be usefull for filtering column
id: 3,
name: "email",
displayName: "Email",
order: 3,
editable: true,
displayOnTable: true,
input: "text",
isActive: true,
dataType: "String",
required: "Email Address is required",
pattern: {
value: /^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/, // This will be usefull in nearest future
message: "Please Enter valid Email address",
isSearchable: true,
id: 4,
name: "phone",
displayName: "Phone",
order: 4,
editable: true,
displayOnTable: true,
input: "text",
isActive: true,
dataType: "String",
required: "Phone Number is required",
isSearchable: true,
pattern: /^\+?[0-9\s-]+$/,
id: 5,
name: "message",
displayName: "Message",
order: 5,
editable: true,
displayOnTable: false,
input: "textarea",
isActive: true,
dataType: "String",
required: "Please add some message here",
return (
<div className="App">
editClicked={(data) => console.log(data)} // If 'isEditable' set to true then this function will be called on click of edit button
Where all the data will be fetched from apiURL "http://localhost:8081/contactus" which is mentioned in appData.
Sample Response data
if pageSize is added any numeric value 'react-table-builder' will call apiURL as
http://localhost:8081/contactus/2/1 where 2 = no. of elements on 1 page & 1 = currunt page number
and below responce will be expected from api.
{"data":[{"_id":"65e99135ceabdf91793a3d20","firstName":"Harshita","lastName":"Narwade","email":"[email protected]","phone":"9187645679","message":"Sample New Message here","__v":0},{"_id":"65e9910aceabdf91793a3d1e","firstName":"Vishal","lastName":"Gaikwad","email":"[email protected]","phone":"9175129361","message":"Sample Message","__v":0}],"pagination":{"count":4,"perPage":"2","page":"1"}}