A React component for SVG doughnut charts made easy!
React SVG doughnut
A flexible, lightweight React component for SVG doughnut graphics made easy!
React SVG doughnut can be downloaded with yarn:
yarn add react-svg-doughnut
Or via NPM:
npm install react-svg-doughnut --save
Example of basic Usage:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import SvgDoughnut from 'react-svg-doughnut';
class Example extends React.Component {
render() {
const settings = {
value: 100,
labelText: 'Awesome!',
size: 180,
thickness: 5,
animationDuration: 1000
<SvgDoughnut {...settings}/>
<Example />,
React SVG doughnut uses the following props to build the graphic.
| Prop | Type | Default Value | Description | | ----------------------- | ------- | :-----------: | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | value | Number | 0 | Value to be displayed in the centre of a graphic | | size (px) | Number | 150 | Width and height of the graphic in pixels | | thickness (px) | Number | 5 | Thickness of the graphic ring in pixels | | animationDuration (ms) | Number | - | Optional duration of the generation animation in milliseconds. No animation is triggered when set to undefined. | | primaryColour | String | '#e7534f' | Colour of the percentage and completion path of the graphic (valid css colour string). | | ringColour | String | '#DDD' | Colour of the ring path of the graphic (valid css colour string). | | labelText | String | - | Optional label text displayed under the percentage value. | | labelColour | String | '#333' | Colour of the optional label text (valid css colour string). | | labelPosition | String | 'bottom' | Position of the optional label. 'top' or 'bottom' | | labelFontSize (px) | Number | 14 | Label font size in pixels. | | labelFontWeight | String | 'normal' | Label font weight (valid css fontWeight string). | | percentageFontSize (px) | Number | 28 | Percentage font size in pixels. | | percentageFontWeight | String | 'bold' | Percentage font weight (valid css fontWeight string). | | ceiling | Number | 100 | The ceiling used to calculate the percentage / fraction | | format | String | 'percentage' | The format displayed. 'percentage' or 'fraction' |
License: MIT