Abstract utility for creating typesafe styled [React]( components without having to do the type and props wiring. Intended (but not limited) to be used together with a css compiler like [vanilla-extract](
Abstract utility for creating typesafe styled React components without having to do the type and props wiring. Intended (but not limited) to be used together with a css compiler like vanilla-extract.
Defining components
Use the provided factory to create a styled
function that you will use to create react components.
import { createStyledFactory } from "react-styled-factory";
export const styled = createStyledFactory();
Use the styled function to produce a React component:
import { styled } from "./styled";
const Component = styled("div");
<Component style={{ color: "red" }} data-foo="123">
Hello World
</Component>; // <div style="color: red;" data-foo="123">Hello World</div>
Custom components can be used as well:
import { HTMLAttributes } from "react";
function Impl(props: HTMLAttributes<HTMLSpanElement>) {
return <span {...props} />;
const Component = styled(Impl);
<Component>Foo</Component>; // <span>Foo</span>
(Optional) Provide an sx compiler (i.e. @vanilla-extract/sprinkles) to the factory if you want to enable the sx
prop on all components:
// styled.ts
import { createStyledFactory } from "react-styled-factory";
import { sprinkles } from "./styles.css.ts";
export const styled = createStyledFactory(sprinkles);
// Component.tsx
import { styled } from "./styled";
const Component = styled("div");
<Component sx={{ color: "primary", pt: "large" }} />;
// <div class="color-red padding-top-large"></div>
(Optional) When using an sx compiler you can also specify the sx value as the default style:
// styled.ts
import { createStyledFactory } from "react-styled-factory";
import { sprinkles } from "./styles.css.ts";
export const styled = createStyledFactory(sprinkles);
// Component.tsx
import { styled } from "./styled";
const Component = styled("div", { color: "primary", pt: "large" });
<Component />; // <div class="color-red padding-top-large"></div>
Styling components
Provide a variants compiler (i.e. @vanilla-extract/recipes) to automatically convert variant props to class names:
// styles.css.ts
import { recipe } from "@vanilla-extract/recipes";
export const myRecipe = recipe({
variants: {
size: {
small: { fontSize: "10px" },
large: { fontSize: "20px" },
color: {
primary: { color: "blue" },
secondary: { color: "red" },
// Component.tsx
import { myRecipe } from "./styles.css.ts";
const Component = styled("div", myRecipe);
<Component size="large" color="primary" />;
// <div class="size-large color-primary"></div>
You can also pass in plain class names for simpler components:
const Component = styled("div", "my-css-class");
<Component />; // <div class="my-css-class"></div>
Which integrates well with i.e. @vanilla-extract/css:
// styles.css.ts
import { style } from "@vanilla-extract/css";
export const myClass = style({ color: "red" });
// Component.tsx
import { myClass } from "./styles.css.ts";
const Component = styled("div", myClass);
Composing components
Styled components support merging with the immediate child:
const Component = styled("div", "my-css-class");
<Component asChild>
<span>Hello World</span>
</Component>; // <span class="my-css-class">Hello World</span>
You can also produce a new component, identical but with the inner component changed:
// Component.tsx
export const Component = styled("div", "my-css-class");
// NewComponent.tsx
import { Component } from "./Component";
const NewComponent ="span");
<NewComponent />; // <span class="my-css-class"></span>
You can embed default props by using the attrs
const Component = styled("div").attrs({ role: "button" });
<Component />; // <div role="button"></span>
<Component role="alert" />; // <div role="alert"></span>
By default, variant props will be filtered and not passed to the inner component. You can override this behavior by using shouldForwardProp
// Dialog.css.ts
import { recipe } from "@vanilla-extract/recipes";
export const dialogRecipe = recipe({
base: {
transition: "opacity 0.3s",
variants: {
open: {
true: { opacity: 1 },
false: { opacity: 0 },
// Dialog.tsx
import { dialogRecipe } from "./Dialog.css.ts";
const Dialog1 = styled("dialog", dialogRecipe);
// "open" will be interpreted and generate a class,
// but will not be passed to the inner component
<Dialog1 open />; // <dialog class="open-true"></dialog>
const Dialog2 = styled("dialog", dialogRecipe).shouldForwardProp(
({ name, isVariant }) => !isVariant || name == "open",
// Here "open" will be both used to generate a class
// and be passed to the inner component
<Dialog2 open />; // <dialog class="open-true" open></dialog>