A Small React-D3 solid gauge chart inspired by amcharts
This is a really nice looking react d3 graph that is sort of inspired by amcharts solid-gauge. This chart is supposed to handle situations where you need to compare level of completions or performance between similar entities.
Install from NPM
npm install react-solidgauge
I will do a proper example page when I have finished building all the charts that I need, till then check out these examples
SolidGauge Values shape
The Chart needs values to be set like the example below.
const values = [{
value: 34,
label: 'Facebook campaign',
fill: '#118',
stroke: '#050570',
}, .....]
if the value is not between 0 and 100 then the value will be set to either, 0 if it's less than zero and 100 if it's more than 100
Shadow Value
You can set a shadow effect on the background paths by setting the shadow prop on solid gauge. See the example below.
y: '-10%',
x: '-10%',
height: '130%',
width: '130%',
stdDeviation: 2,
dx: 1,
dy: 2,
If you set the responsive prop then the chart will calculate the width and height of the parent element and fill into that space. Also it will listen for screen resize and if it fires it will rerender. This is pretty conveniant when you are using a responsive grid system and dont know how big the chart will be.
Props for SolidGauge
|Name|Type|Default|Description| ---|---|---|--- responsive|boolean|true| Rerenders the chart on screen resize and calculates width and height of parent and uses 100% dimensions available, perfect if you are using a responsive framework like bootstrap or google's mdl width|number|| sets the width of the component, if responsive is true then it will fill out into the parent container height|number|| sets the height of the component, the same applies here to the responsive prop. chartMargin|number|null| The Margin frame of the chart in pixels endAngle|number|Math.PI1.5|EndAngle value values|Array of shape||This is the array that holds all the info, each shape has value, label, fill and stroke, that are applied to the legend and the path pathWidth|number|0.1|The path width, 0.1 by default means 10% of the chart radius pathMargin|number|0.1|The margin between the paths, 0.1 by default means 10% of the chart radius circleRadius|number|null|If this prop is set then the chart will add a circle to the end of the path. background|shape|{fill:'#ccc',stroke:'#999'}*|The fill and stroke of the background arc fontSize|string|null|Sets the fontsize for lables animationTime|number|2000|The length of the animation in ms, if this number is set then the paths will animate animationEase|string|easeBounce| The name of the easing function that's being used check out d3-easing project for a complete list of easing functions showTooltip|bool|true| If true then show the tooltip mouseFill|string|rgba(254,254,254,.95)| The background fill of the mouse mouseStrokeWidth|number|4|The Mouse stroke width - a.k.a the borders shadow|object||If this object is set then the background paths will have a shadow effect on them
Using SolidGauge
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import SolidGauge from 'react-solidgauge';
const values = [
{ label: 'Email Campaign', value: 189, fill: '#881' },
{ label: 'Google AdWords', value: 65, fill: '#188' },
{ label: 'Youtube Campaign', value: 49, fill: '#818' },
{ label: 'Facebook Campaign', value: 29, fill: '#bb4' },
class Chart extends Component {
constructor() {
this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this);
onClick() {
state: => {
d.values = Math.random() * 100;
return d;
render() {
return (
<div style={{
width: '100%',
height: '500px',
fill: '#ddd',
stroke: '#aaa',
render (<Chart />, document.getElementById('app'));
The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2016 Arnthor Agustsson