Social Login
React Social Signin
A Google oAUth Sign-in / Log-in Component for React
npm install react-social-signin
How to use GoogleLogin
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { GoogleLogin } from 'react-social-signin';
function App() {
const callback = (response) => {
return <GoogleLogin clientId={'CLIENT_ID'} callback={callback} />;
export default App;
GoogleLogin Props
| params | value | default value | description | | :----------: | :------: | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | | clientId | string | REQUIRED | You can create a clientID by creating a new project on Google developers website. | | callback | function | REQUIRED | Return Google User Details in JWT decoded form | | buttonTheme | object | { theme: 'outline'; text: 'signin_with'; shape: 'rectangular'; size: 'large'; width: '40px' } | handle Button theme | | promptEnable | boolean | false | Google One tap popup enable |
callback returns a GoogleUser object which provides access to all of the GoogleUser methods listed here: .
You can also access the returned values via the following properties on the returned object.
| property name | value | definition | | :------------: | :-----: | :--------------------------------------------: | | sub | number | The unique ID of the user's Google Account | | email | string | The user's email address | | email_verified | boolean | true, if Google has verified the email address | | name | string | User Name | | picture | string | Profile image | | given_name | string | User First Name | | family_name | string | User Last Name |
How to use FacebookLogin
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { FacebookLogin } from 'react-social-signin';
function App() {
const callback = (res) => {
const onFailure = (res) => {
return <FacebookLogin fbAppId={'APP_ID'} onFailure={onFailure} callback={callback} />;
export default App;
FacebookLogin button without styling
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { FacebookLogin } from 'react-social-sign';
function App() {
const callback = (res) => {
const onFailure = (res) => {
return (
render={(renderProps) => <button onClick={renderProps.onClick}>This is my custom FB button</button>}
export default App;
How to use LinkdinLogin
First, we create a button and provide required props:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { LinkedIn } from 'react-social-signin';
function App() {
const callback = (res) => {
const onFailure = (res) => {
return (
onSuccess={(code) => {
onError={(error) => {
export default App;
Then we point redirect_url
to LinkedInCallback
. You can use react-router-dom or Next.js's file system routing
import React from 'react';
import { LinkedInCallback } from 'react-social-signin';
import { BrowserRouter, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
function Demo() {
return (
<Route exact path='/linkedin' component={LinkedInCallback} />
- Next.js's file system routing:
// pages/linkedin.js
import { LinkedInCallback } from 'react-social-signin';
export default function LinkedInPage() {
return <LinkedInCallback />;
How to use AppleLogin
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { AppleLogin } from 'react-social-signin';
function App() {
return <AppleLogin clientId='' redirectURI='' />;
export default App;
Login Props
| params | value | default value | description | | :----------------------: | :------: | :-----------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | | clientId | string | REQUIRED | The developer’s client identifier, as provided by WWDR. | | scope | string | - | The amount of user information requested from Apple. Valid values are name and email. You can request one, both(separated by space), or none. | | redirectURI | string | REQUIRED | The URI to which the authorization redirects. | | responseType | string | code | The type of response requested. Valid values are code and id_token. You can request one or both(separated by space). When requesting an id_token response type, response_mode must be either fragment or form_post. | | responseMode | string | query | The type of response mode expected. Valid values are query, fragment, and form_post. If you requested any scopes, the value must be form_post. | | state | string | - | The current state of the request. | | autoLoad | boolean | false | - | | nonce | string | - | A String value used to associate a client session with an ID token. This value is also used to mitigate replay attacks. | | usePopup | boolean | false | A Boolean that enables showing the flow in a popup. | | designProp.height | number | 30 | The height of the button image. The minimum and maximum values are 30 and 64, respectively | | designProp.width | number | 140 | The width of the button image. The minimum and maximum values are 130 and 375, respectively. | | designProp.color | string | black | The background color for the button image. The possible values are white and black (the default). | | designProp.border | boolean | false | A Boolean value that determines whether the button image has a border. | | designProp.type | string | sign-in | The type of button image returned. The possible values are sign-in (the default) and continue. | | designProp.border_radius | number | 15 | The corner radius for the button image. The minimum and maximum values are 0 and 50, respectively. | | designProp.scale | number | 1 | The scale of the button image. The minimum and maximum values are 1 and 6, respectively. | | designProp.locale | string | en_US | The language used for text on the button. | | render | function | - | Render prop to use a custom element, use renderProps.onClick | | callback | function | - | callback only work with Response Mode query. |
Apple response
Upon authorization success, the server returns the following data object:
"authorization": {
"state": "[STATE]",
"code": "[CODE]",
"id_token": "[ID_TOKEN]"
"user": {
"email": "[EMAIL]",
"name": {
"firstName": "[FIRST_NAME]",
"lastName": "[LAST_NAME]"
- The user object will only be presented the first time the user authorizes the application.
- With usePopup: true,
won't work exceptdesignProp.locale
Upon failure, the server returns the following data object:
"error": "[ERROR_CODE]"