Enhanced configuration and scripts for Create React App.
Improvements added to react-scripts-refined
Based on [email protected]
- Added
- Added report of build time and entry size after build
- Added following webpack plugins
- BundleAnalyzerPlugin (
- CircularDependencyPlugin (
- DuplicatePackageCheckerPlugin (
- LicenseWebpackPlugin (
- Added functionality to extend webpack plugins and rules
- Added split config für vendor chunk (including all files from node_modules)
- Added possibility to replace
Create a new project with react-script-refined
# Javascript
npx create-react-app my-app --scripts-version react-scripts-refined
# Typescript
npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript --scripts-version react-scripts-refined
If you want to use it with Webstorm you may need to use the name react-scripts
because of the default jest mapping.
"devDependencies": {
"react-scripts": "npm:react-scripts-refined@^0.0.10",
Use with Typescript
You need to update the default src/react-app-env.d.ts
to use react-scripts-refined
instead of react-scripts
/// <reference types="react-scripts-refined" />
Config with <root>/react-scripts-refined.config.js
// <root>/react-scripts-refined.config.js
const satisfies = require('spdx-satisfies');
module.exports = ({ env, isEnvProduction, isEnvDevelopment, paths }) => ({
* If true or a config object, the SWC Loader is used instead of Babel (default: false)
swcLoader: false, // { jsc: { experimental: { plugins: [ ... ] } } } (
settings: {
licensePlugin: {
unacceptableLicenseTest: licenseType =>
'(Apache-2.0 OR BSD-2-Clause OR BSD-3-Clause OR MIT)'
* Settings for the 'less-loader' rule.
* See for info about options.
lessLoader: {},
webpack: {
* Define Webpack "resolve.alias" here.
alias: {},
* Any additional WebpackRule can be added here.
rules: [],
plugins: {
* If you want to remove an existing plugin add name here. (i.e. ['WebpackManifestPlugin'])
remove: [],
* Any additional WebpackPlugin can be added here.
add: [],
* If you want to make changes to the webpack config.
configure(webpackConfig) {
return webpackConfig;
Vendor CSS Split
If you append #vendors
to an import of a css/less/css/scss/sass
file, it will create a separate vendors.[hash].css
on build.
import './vendor.css#vendors';
Running webpack-bundle-analyzer
If enabled bundleAnalyzer
in your config you can run it by adding the following to th package.json
// package.json
"scripts": {
"analyze": "react-scripts build --analyze",
This package includes scripts and configuration used by Create React App. Please refer to its documentation:
- Getting Started – How to create a new app.
- User Guide – How to develop apps bootstrapped with Create React App.