A customizable collection of progress indicators for React and React Native
:sparkles: React Progressor :sparkles:
A collection of customizable progress bars for React and React Native.
using npm:
npm i -S react-rn-progressor
using yarn:
yarn add --dev react-rn-progressor
Usage/Demo - Mobile
import { LineProgressor } from 'react-progressor/mobile';
width={200} /* Width of the progress bar.
* Required value
* Type: number
* Default: 200
height={20} /* Height of the progress bar.
* Type: number
* Default: 20
progress={0} /* Value of progress to display (0 - 100)%
* Required value
* Type: number (0 - 100)
* Default: 0 (starting point)
trackColor='#eee' /* Color of the track (background)
* Type: string
* Default: '#eee'
progressColor='#8DE969' /* Color of the progress indicator
* Type: string
* Default: '#8DE969'
animEasing='easeInEaseOut' /* A name of animation
* to apply for progress indicator
* Type: string
* Default: 'easeInEaseOut'
animDuration={200} /* A duration of animation (in ms)
* Type: number
* Default: 200
import { FenceProgressor } from 'react-progressor';
width={200} /* Width of the progressor
* Required value
* Type: number
* Default: 200
height={30} /* Height of the progressor
* Type: number
* Default: 30
progress={0} /* Value of the progress (0-100)
* Required value
* Type: number
* Default(initial value): 0
blockNumber={10} /* Numbers of smaller blocks in progressor
* Type: number
* Default: 10
activeColor='#8DE969' /* Color of active bar
* Type: string
* Default: '#8DE969'
inactiveColor='#eee' /* Color when bar is not active
* Type: string
* Default: '#eee'
animDuration={200} /* Duration of animation
* Type: number
* Default: 200
animEasing='spring' /* Easing to be applied to animation
* Type: string
* Available: ['linear', 'spring', 'easeInEaseOut']
* Default: 'spring'
Usage/Demo - Web
import { LineProgress } from 'react-progressor/web';
width={150} /* Width of the progress bar.
* Required value
* Type: number
* Default: 150
height={5} /* Height of the progress bar.
* Type: number
* Default: 5
progress={0} /* Value of progress to display (0 - 100)%
* Required value
* Type: number (0 - 100)
* Default: 0 (starting point)
trackColor='#eee' /* Color of the track (background)
* Type: string
* Default: '#eee'
progressColor='#8DE969' /* Color of the progress indicator
* Type: string
* Default: '#8DE969'
transitionFunc='linear' /* A name of CSS3 transition timing function
* to apply for progress indicator
* Type: string
* Default: 'linear'
transitionDuration={200} /* A duration of CSS3 transition (in ms)
* Type: number
* Default: 200
import { HalfCircleProgressor } from 'react-progressor/web';
size={120} /* A size for this progressor
* Used for both width and height (to keep ratio)
* Required value
* Type: number
* Default: 120
progress={0} /* Progress for this progressor (0-100)%
* Required value
* Type: number
* Default: 0 (starting value)
circleHeight={5} /* Height or 'thickness' of circle border
* Type: number
* Default: 5
circleColor='#eee' /* Color of a circle (track)
* Type: string
* Default: '#eee'
progressColor='#8DE969' /* Color of filled circle (progress)
* Type: string
* Default: '#8DE969'
transitionFunc='linear' /* A name of CSS3 transition timing function
* Type: string
* Default: 'linear'
transitionDuration={200} /* A duration of CSS3 transition (in ms)
* Type: number
* Default: 200
- Krzysztof Borowy - Krizzu
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details