The React <QueryBuilder /> component for constructing queries with improved user experience
This component was inspired by prior work from:
Getting Started
npm install react-querybuilder-uxd --save
To run a demo of the react-querybuilder-uxd being used, go through the following steps.
npm install
Install npm packagesnpm start
Run a local serverhttp://localhost:8080/
Visit your localhost in your browser
import QueryBuilder from "react-querybuilder-uxd";
//import style
import "react-querybuilder-uxd/dist/query-builder.scss";
const fields = [
{ name: "firstName", label: "First Name" },
{ name: "lastName", label: "Last Name" },
{ name: "age", label: "Age" },
{ name: "address", label: "Address" },
{ name: "phone", label: "Phone" },
{ name: "email", label: "Email" },
{ name: "twitter", label: "Twitter" },
{ name: "isDev", label: "Is a Developer?", value: false }
const dom = <QueryBuilder fields={fields} onQueryChange={logQuery} />;
function logQuery(query) {
<QueryBuilder />
is the only top-level component exposed from this library. It supports the following properties:
fields (Required)
[ {name:String, label:String, id:ID} ]
The array of fields that should be used. Each field should be an object with:
{name:String, label:String, id:ID}
The id
is optional, if you do not provide an id for a field then the name will be used.
operators (Optional)
[ {name:String, label:String} ]
The array of operators that should be used. The default operators include:
{ name: "null", label: "Is Null" },
{ name: "notNull", label: "Is Not Null" },
{ name: "in", label: "In" },
{ name: "notIn", label: "Not In" },
{ name: "=", label: "=" },
{ name: "!=", label: "!=" },
{ name: "<", label: "<" },
{ name: ">", label: ">" },
{ name: "<=", label: "<=" },
{ name: ">=", label: ">=" }
combinators (Optional)
[ {name:String, label:String} ]
The array of combinators that should be used for RuleGroups. The default set includes:
[{ name: "and", label: "AND" }, { name: "or", label: "OR" }];
controlElements (Optional)
addGroupAction: React.PropTypes.func, //returns ReactClass
removeGroupAction: React.PropTypes.func, //returns ReactClass
addRuleAction: React.PropTypes.func, //returns ReactClass
removeRuleAction: React.PropTypes.func, //returns ReactClass
combinatorSelector: React.PropTypes.func, //returns ReactClass
fieldSelector: React.PropTypes.func, //returns ReactClass
operatorSelector: React.PropTypes.func, //returns ReactClass
valueEditor: React.PropTypes.func //returns ReactClass
This is a custom controls object that allows you to override the control elements used. The following control overrides are supported:
: By default a<button />
is used. The following props are passed:
label: React.PropTypes.string, //"+Group"
className: React.PropTypes.string, //css classNames to be applied
handleOnClick: React.PropTypes.func, //callback function to invoke adding a <RuleGroup />
rules: React.PropTypes.array, //Provides the number of rules already present for this group,
level: React.PropTypes.number //The level of the current group
: By default a<button />
is used. The following props are passed:
label: React.PropTypes.string, //"x"
className: React.PropTypes.string, //css classNames to be applied
handleOnClick: React.PropTypes.func, //callback function to invoke removing a <RuleGroup />
rules: React.PropTypes.array, //Provides the number of rules already present for this group,
level: React.PropTypes.number //The level of the current group
: By default a<button />
is used. The following props are passed:
label: React.PropTypes.string, //"+Rule"
className: React.PropTypes.string, //css classNames to be applied
handleOnClick: React.PropTypes.func, //callback function to invoke adding a <Rule />
rules: React.PropTypes.array, //Provides the number of rules already present for this group,
level: React.PropTypes.number //The level of the current group
: By default a<button />
is used. The following props are passed:
label: React.PropTypes.string, //"x"
className: React.PropTypes.string, //css classNames to be applied
handleOnClick: React.PropTypes.func, //callback function to invoke removing a <Rule />
level: React.PropTypes.number //The level of the current group
: By default a<select />
is used. The following props are passed:
options: React.PropTypes.array.isRequired, //same as 'combinators' passed into QueryBuilder
value: React.PropTypes.string, //selected combinator from the existing query representation, if any
className: React.PropTypes.string, //css classNames to be applied
handleOnChange: React.PropTypes.func, //callback function to update query representation
rules: React.PropTypes.array, //Provides the number of rules already present for this group
level: React.PropTypes.number //The level of the current group
: By default a<select />
is used. The following props are passed:
options: React.PropTypes.array.isRequired, //same as 'fields' passed into QueryBuilder
value: React.PropTypes.string, //selected field from the existing query representation, if any
className: React.PropTypes.string, //css classNames to be applied
handleOnChange: React.PropTypes.func, //callback function to update query representation
level: React.PropTypes.number //The level the group this rule belongs to
: By default a<select />
is used. The following props are passed:
field: React.PropTypes.string, //field name corresponding to this Rule
options: React.PropTypes.array.isRequired, //return value of getOperators(field)
value: React.PropTypes.string, //selected operator from the existing query representation, if any
className: React.PropTypes.string, //css classNames to be applied
handleOnChange: React.PropTypes.func //callback function to update query representation
level: React.PropTypes.number //The level the group this rule belongs to
: By default a<input type="text" />
is used. The following props are passed:
field: React.PropTypes.string, //field name corresponding to this Rule
operator: React.PropTypes.string, //operator name corresponding to this Rule
value: React.PropTypes.string, //value from the existing query representation, if any
handleOnChange: React.PropTypes.func //callback function to update the query representation
level: React.PropTypes.number //The level the group this rule belongs to
getOperators (Optional)
This is a callback function invoked to get the list of allowed operators for the given field.
onQueryChange (Optional)
This is a notification that is invoked anytime the query configuration changes. The query is provided as a JSON structure, as shown below:
"combinator": "and",
"rules": [
"field": "firstName",
"operator": "null",
"value": ""
"field": "lastName",
"operator": "null",
"value": ""
"combinator": "and",
"rules": [
"field": "age",
"operator": ">",
"value": "30"
controlClassnames (Optional)
This can be used to assign specific CSS
classes to various controls that are created by the <QueryBuilder />
. This is an object with the following properties:
queryBuilder:String, // Root <div> element
ruleGroup:String, // <div> containing the RuleGroup
combinators:String, // <select> control for combinators
addRule:String, // <button> to add a Rule
addGroup:String, // <button> to add a RuleGroup
removeGroup:String, // <button> to remove a RuleGroup
rule:String, // <div> containing the Rule
fields:String, // <select> control for fields
operators:String, // <select> control for operators
value:String, // <input> for the field value
removeRule:String // <button> to remove a Rule
translations (Optional)
This can be used to override translatable texts applied to various controls that are created by the <QueryBuilder />
. This is an object with the following properties:
fields: {
title: "Fields",
operators: {
title: "Operators",
value: {
title: "Value",
removeRule: {
label: "x",
title: "Remove rule",
removeGroup: {
label: "x",
title: "Remove group",
addRule: {
label: "+Rule",
title: "Add rule",
addGroup: {
label: "+Group",
title: "Add group",
combinators: {
title: "Combinators",