React Project Starter Framework - Bootstrap a new React web applications without any hassle.<br/> Check out the complete documentation [HERE](<br/>
React Project Starter Framework - Bootstrap a new React web applications without any hassle. Check out the complete documentation HERE.
Technologies used: React.js | Next.js | TypeScript | Redux Toolkit | RTK Query | Tailwind | Prettier | ESLint | React Hook Form | DayJS | Yarn | Docker |
- Node.js version greater than or equals to 18.17 - it is recommended to use Node.js 20.10.0 LTS.
- Installed Node.js should be 64bit (x64) version.
- If you need older Node.js versions for other projects, please use NVM to make changing versions easier.
- You should have access to the SSL React Framework Bitbucket Repo.
- Personal SSH Key have to configured to access Bitbucket repositories. SSH Setup for Linux | SSH Setup for Windows | SSH Setup for Mac
- Docker should be installed in your machine. Docker for Windows | Docker for Linux | Docker for Mac
- Git should be installed and configured correctly.
- Yarn should be installed. Install Guide
- These VSCode extensions should be installed: ESLint | Prettier | Import Cost
At first install the framework directly from NPM Package Manager
npx react-project-starter-ssl
When prompted write your project name
Name: test_project
Open the project directory in your terminal
cd test_project
Open the application with your code editor. It is good to use VSCode.
To run the application enter this command
yarn dev
Your project is now ready!
Default port 3000 will be used. If it is not free then the next port will be used.
How to contribute
You can contribute to the framework and make it better.
- Create a new branch from the
branch. Branch name should contain your name or id. Example:dev_muneer
. - Push to your branch.
- Create a pull request to merge your branch with the
branch. How to create Pull Request. - Inform the maintainers to accept your PR. If accepted, your branch will be merged to