A fully customizable procedural context menu for react
React Procedural Context Menu
Install the package:
npm i react-context-menu
yarn add react-context-menu
How to use, the easy way:
Step 1: Making a Menu
A menu is an array of small menu entries.
A menu entry looks like this,
{ text: "Label for the entry" }
You can choose to do something, when it's clicked
{ text: "Label1", onClick: () => console.log('Label1 was Clicked') }
Like this you can make a simple menu,
[ { text: "Label1", onClick: () => console.log('Label1 was Clicked') }, { text: "Label2", onClick: () => console.log('Label2 was Clicked') } ]
A menu item can also have it's own submenu,
{ text: "Label for the entry", sub: [...another menu...] }
Instead of plaintext you can also use a react component
{ component: <>Github <img src="" /></> }
Step 2: Using the premade wrapper
Import the wrapper div, this defines the region for context menu action
import ContextMenuWrapperDiv from "./ContextMenu/ContextMenuWrapperDiv";
Make a menu collection,
menuCollection = { hotkeys: { shifta: someMenu }, contextMenu: someOtherMenu }
Use the wrapper div and pass it the menu collection
<ContextMenuWrapperDiv menus={menuCollection}> {...content...} </ContextMenuWrapperDiv>
It behaves like a normal div and you can use all of a normal div's props
Moreover it takes in 2 additional props, itemStyle and wrapperStyle
itemStyle can be used to style the items in the context menu
wrapperStyle can be used to style the wrapper of the context menu itself
How to use, for powerusers:
Import the ContextMenu Component
import { ContextMenu } from "react-procedural-context-menu";
Unlike the wrapper div this takes in a single menu,
<ContextMenu contextMenuItems={someMenu} >
This component is just the menu with no activation logic
You have to implement the logic of when and where to render it yourself
It still has itemStyle and wrapperStyle for the same reasons
Tip: You can use wrapperStyle to position it