Pixel Perfect helps developers to create screens identical to the design.
React Pixel Perfect
Upload and compare the markup design with your screen while you're coding.
It's very difficult to create a pixel perfect screen switching your eyes between monitors, tabs and the designers always find a spacing, color, line height to be fixed when they're doing the QA.
React Pixel Perfect puts the design markup over your layout, so, you can see the differences between them, controlling its position, size and opacity.
Designers also can use the official website to do a QA, entering an URL of a screen to inspect.
npm install -D react-pixel-perfect
// or
yarn add -D react-pixel-perfect
Import the main component and wrap to top level of your application or page that you want to compare.
import PixelPerfect from "react-pixel-perfect";
export default function App(props) {
return (
<YourApplication {...props} />;
A button will appear on the right bottom of your page. Now you can upload an image and then control its size, position, opacity over your screen, reset its settings and delete the image.
It's important to you know
The localstorage's API is used to save your image as base64, its size limit is 10MB. If the cota is exceeded, it will not save/update but you can still use it.
A layer with your uploaded image is put over your page, nevertheless, mouse's events, such as hover, click, focus on elements might not work properly.
Please, feel free to use it, open an issue or a pull request.
MIT © Sergioamjr