Customizable and controllable typed component powered by ThreeJS and MobX.
Hi there! 👋 I'm excited to introduce you the customizable and controllable Penrose Triangle react component powered by ThreeJS and MobX. NPM PAGE | GITHUB PAGE | GUI
via npm:
npm install --save react-penrose-triangle
or yarn:
yarn add react-penrose-triangle
Using component is actually straightforward. You can make it in two general ways: uncontrollable and controllable
If you don't need to dynamically modificate the triangle configuration,
import PenroseTriangle from 'react-penrose-triangle'
and then just use the component in your JSX or TSX like that:
<PenroseTriangle {...initialConfig }/>
For advanced usage with dynamic control of triangle params, first of all,
import { PenroseTriangle, usePenroseTriangle , observer } from 'react-penrose-triangle'
Then use your initialConfig
in the hook instead using this in component props directly:
const { props, config, controllers, geometry, material, light } = usePenroseTriangle(initialConfig)
After that, use props
for instantiate PenroseTriangle component:
<PenroseTriangle {...props }/>
And use other returned values to display config or control the triangle.
config: {
geometry: GeometryConfig,
material: MaterialConfig,
light: LightConfig
controllers: {
geometry: GeometryControllers,
material: MaterialControllers,
light: LightControllers
geometry: {
config: GeometryConfig,
controllers: GeometryControllers
material: {
config: MaterialConfig,
controllers: MaterialControllers
light: {
config: LightConfig,
controllers: LightControllers
interface GeometryConfig {
cubesInSide: number; // number of cubes in triangle side
gapRatio: number; // gap between cubes expressed in cube sizes, most sence in [0,1] range
diameter: number; // diameter of circumcircle expressed in container smaller sides
rotation: number; // angle of rotation in degrees clockwise
rotationSpeed: number; // speed of auto rotation in degrees per second
isRotating: boolean; // toggle auto rotation
isInverted: boolean; // direction of twist of the triangle geometry
interface MaterialConfig {
color: string; // any valid color value
interface LightConfig {
elevation: number; // z coordinate of light source, most sense in [0, 5] range
rotation: number; // rotation in degrees clockwise
binding: false | number; // bind light source to geometry: if false, it'll be used light.rotation for rotate light,
// if number, ignore light.rotation and use (geometry.rotation + light.binding) instead
intensity: number; // intensity of light source, most sense in [0, 25] range
brightness: number; // intensity of ambient light, most sense in [0, 2.5] range
interface GeometryControllers {
setCubesInSide: (value: NumberLike) => void;
setGapRatio: (value: NumberLike) => void;
setDiameter: (value: NumberLike) => void;
setRotation: (value: NumberLike) => void;
rotate: (value: NumberLike) => void;
setRotationSpeed: (value: NumberLike) => void;
toggleAutoRotation: () => void;
toggleRotationDirection: () => void;
toggleGeometryInvertion: () => void;
interface MaterialControllers {
setColor: (value: string) => void;
interface LightControllers {
setRotation: (value: NumberLike) => void;
setIntensity: (value: NumberLike) => void;
setBrightness: (value: NumberLike) => void;
setElevation: (value: NumberLike) => void;
toggleBinding: () => void;
type NnumberLike
means you can use strings like 0.123
, which can be parsed to number.
Initial config
Whether you decide to use stupit or stateful component you have to use initialConfig
for instantiation. Here is the valid type of it:
interface InititialConfig {
geometry?: Optional<GeometryConfig>,
material?: Optional<MaterialConfig>,
light?: Optional<LightConfig>,
means that you can use from zero to all options of specific config; the rest will be fallback to default values
Default values
const defaultValues = {
geometry: {
cubesInSide: 6,
gapRatio: 0.25,
diameter: 1,
rotation: 0,
rotationSpeed: 10,
isRotating: true,
isInverted: false
material: {
color: '#bc2a9c'
rotation: 0,
binding: 50,
elevation: 2.5,
intensity: 12.5,
brightness: 1.25
You can import this if you need:
import { defaultValues } from 'react-penrose-triangle'
Thanks for reading this documentation. Happy coding! 🎉