Simple, configurable, truncatable pagination for React.
Simple, configurable, truncatable pagination for React.
Paginatify generates pagination links with automatic, customizable truncation to prevent the list from becoming too large. All it requires is the total number of pages and the current page in order to function, but to actually be useful, you'll want to pass in a callback function so the component can inform your app when the page has changed.
In this way, the current page can either be tracked internally through state, or externally by modifying the component's props when the current page changes.
This library is provided in several forms:
As an ES2015 module in the
directory.import Paginatify from 'react-paginatify/esm/react-paginatify';
Transpiled to CommonJS/ES5 in the
directory. This is the default import.import Paginatify from 'react-paginatify';
Pre-compiled as a UMD module. When loaded using
tags, it creates a global variable calledPaginatify
.<script src="react-paginatify.min.js"></script>
Paginatify must be used with React 0.13 or higher, including 15.
Number, Default: 1, required
The initial current page. Internally, Paginatify will keep track of the current page in its state. However, if a new page is passed in through this prop, the internal state will be updated to match it. The onChange function will not be called if the current page changes due to a prop change.
Number, Default: 1, required
The total number of pages, inclusive.
String, Default: null
This class will be added to the main surrounding div alongside the Paginatify
String, Default: null
This class will be added to the main surrounding div.
Function, Default: null
A function that will be called whenever the user clicks on one of the pagination links. It will pass along the current page number, the new page number, and the button type that was clicked. Possible button values are previous, next, and page.
(newPage, oldPage, button) => {
Number, Default: 1
Determines the minimum number of additional page numbers that should remain on either side of the current page number without being hidden by truncation.
Number, Default: 1
Determines the minimum number of additional page numbers that should remain before and after the last and first pages, respectively, without being hidden by truncation.
String, Default: '>'
The string to show for the next page link. Will not show if there is only one page.
String, Default: '<'
The string to show for the previous page link. Will not show if there is only one page.
String, Default: '…'
The character used to indicate that a truncation has occurred.
Boolean, Default: false
In situations where the total number of pages is below a certain threshold (based on the inner and outer padding), Paginatify will not perform any truncation in order to prevent too few links from showing up. If you want truncation to occur even in this situation, set truncateShort to true.
Boolean, Default: false
If true, truncation will never be applied. This supersedes truncateShort.
There is no styling applied by default. You may provide a custom class name for the parent element, and several classes are provided on the child elements to allow for styling.
Some example themes are included in the css directory, with SCSS versions found in scss. You can view and play around with them on Codepen.
The class of the surrounding parent div element.
Applied to every page link, as well as the next and previous links. These elements are a tags. These are several types of links:
A direct link to a page.
A link to the previous page.
A link to the next page.
Applied to the current page. While it is still a clickable a tag, no action is performed when it is clicked.
Applied to a page that is not clickable (but not the current page). This is applied to the previous and next links when the current page is the first or last page, respectively.
This is the string that indicates that a truncation has occurred. These elements are span tags and are not clickable.