A react component to display an analysis or observation result in a coloured Circular Percentage Indicator
A React component to display coloured animated circular progress bar with percentage variations.
A minimal usage will just display coloured circular percentage bar with animation.
let percentage = 75
The color of the bar by default would be based on the range of the percentage, so:
| Range | Default | ------------- |---------- | 0-25 | red | 26-50 | yellow | 51-75 | blue | 76-100 | green
This might have a default height/width of 100px
But User can override:
let percentage = 75
<CircularStatusIndicator radius={50}>{percentage}</CircularStatusIndicator>;
Other options can be passed in as inverted
like so:
let percentage = 75
<CircularStatusIndicator inverted={true}>{percentage}</CircularStatusIndicator>;
In this case, the colors would be reversed;
| Range | Default | ------------- |---------- | 0-25 | green | 26-50 | blue | 51-75 | yellow | 76-100 | red
final possibility is where the colour of the bar is passed in as a prop:
<CircularStatusIndicator colour={'#FFC000'}>75</CircularStatusIndicator>
The only additional prop needed would be a text label, 50% font size of the percentage, placed above it and centered of course
<CircularStatusIndicator radius='{200}' textLabel={'Hello!'}>75</CircularStatusIndicator>
- Display circular percentage bar.
- Dispay default coloured bar according to prercentage.
- Dispay inverted coloured bar according to prercentage.
- Display colured percentage bar according to color pass through params.
- Display colured percentage bar according to radius passed through params .
- Display percentage label inside the circle with result label passed through params
- Runs in the browser and Node.js.
- Built on standards.
import React,{Component} from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import CircularStatusIndicator from 'react-npm-circular-status-indicator';
class App extends Component {
render() {
<h2>Circular Status Indicator</h2>
<CircularStatusIndicator textLabel={'Default'}>80</CircularStatusIndicator>
<CircularStatusIndicator inverted={true} textLabel={'Inverted'}>80</CircularStatusIndicator>
<CircularStatusIndicator colour={'#04c3ff'} textLabel={'Colour'}>80</CircularStatusIndicator>
<CircularStatusIndicator radius={200} textLabel={'Radius'}>70</CircularStatusIndicator>
<CircularStatusIndicator radius={50}>40</CircularStatusIndicator>
ReactDOM.render(<App />,document.querySelector('.container'));
Technology Stack:
- react
- mocha
Clone the repo as a new project:
git clone <circular-status-indicator>
Start Server:
First you have to replace the lib/component/circular_status_indicator.js to server.js in package.json
cd circular-status-indicator
npm i
npm start
Run App:
npm start command automatically initiate browser at 3000 port
Run tests:
cd circular-status-indicator
npm i
npm test
Developer Notes:
Make sure you configure your editor/IDE to use: