Utilities for react navigation which provide the functionalities of redux without integration with redux which has been deprecated from the react navigation end.
React-Navigation-Redux-Utils is born from the requirements that are not being fulfilled easily when React Navigation has removed it's support from redux integration.
Since the library is a JS-based solution, to install the latest version of react-navigation you only need to run:
yarn add react-navigation-redux-utils
npm install --save react-navigation-redux-utils
import React from 'react';
import { createStackNavigator } from 'react-navigation';
import { NavigationUtils } from 'react-navigation-redux-utils';
const topMostLevelStackNavigator = createStackNavigator({
class Root extends React.Component {
setNavigatorRef = ref => {
render() {
return (
import { NavigationUtils } from 'react-navigation-redux-utils';
// This is used to get the key of the route next to the route name passed as parameter.
// This is useful because for go back function, if a key is passed as parameter, then
// it will take you to the screen previous to the screen with that key.
// So if the stack navigator looks like A->B->C->D->E and from screen E,
// you want to go back to A, then doing something like this will work.
// this.props.navigation.goBack(NavigationUtils.getKeyForNextRoute('A'));
// If there are multiple routes corresponding to a screen in the stack,
// it will consider the last added screen i.e. the screen in the top of the stack.
// The access to the key to any screen is avaialable only
// local to that screen with it's navigation prop.
// But if it is required at any other place, it can be done using this function.
// If there are multiple routes corresponding to a screen in the stack,
// it will consider the last added screen i.e. the screen in the top of the stack.
// It will give the route name of the screen on the top of the stack.
// The NAVIGATION_STATE parameter is optional.
// If nothing is passed to this function, it will take the navigation state
// from the reference set to this Utility Class.
// It will give the key of the screen on the top of the stack.
// The NAVIGATION_STATE parameter is optional.
// If nothing is passed to this function, it will take the navigation state
// from the reference set to this Utility Class.
// If there is a requirement to dispatch an action from outside of any
// StackNavigator components like from a Redux Action or Redux Middleware, etc,
// then you need to use this function in which you will pass the action as parameter.
// If you want to obtain the entire navigation state at any point,
// then calling this function will help you get the required result.
import React from 'react';
import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
import { withNavigationDebounce } from 'react-navigation-redux-utils';
class Sample extends React.Component {
// All these are debounced with time interval 300ms.
// this.props.navigation.navigate(ROUTE_NAME);
// this.props.navigation.goBack(KEY);
// this.props.navigation.push(ROUTE_NAME);
// this.props.navigation.pop(NUMBER_OF_SCREEN_POPS);
render() {
return (
<Text>This component has debounced navigation functions.</Text>
export default withNavigationDebounce(Sample, 300);