Supports OCR with Tesseract from react native
Supports OCR with Tesseract from react native
yarn add rhdeck/react-native-tesseract
react-native link
Note that this package has two peer dependencies that need to be installed: react-native-swift and react-native-pod. Quick way to install them dynamicallyis to use promote-peer-dependencies:
yarn global add promote-peer-dependencies
react-native link
OR add them yourself
yarn add react-native-swift react-native-pod
react-native link
(Currently just key functionality)
async setLanguage(newLanguage: String | [String])
Sets the language(s) for use. Pass array for multiple languages. Note that the language identifier(s) need(s) to be in the format that the trained tessdata is in, e.g. from the tessdata repository "eng" for English, etc.
async setDataPath(newPath: String)
Sets the path for the trained data. Set it to a user path to allow on-the-fly downloading, which is convenient!
Important This path has to end with a directory called tessdata
. Its just a quirk of how the tesseract pod works.
async setFastMode(isFast: Boolean)
Set whether to use less-accurate tesseract only mode (default) or the slower but more-accurage tesseract+cube method.
async recognizeFile(path: String)
Scan a saved jpg or png file on disk and return the text. This can take several seconds!
Example Template
See react-native-template-tesseractocr or just implement as follows:
react-native init mytesstest --template tesseractocr
cd mytesstest
react-native setdevteam
react-native link
react-native run-ios --device
Note 1
react-native-setdevteam will set your development team to let you sign and deploy your app to device)
Note 2
Experienced RN templaters will notice the call to react-native link
up there. It's necessary, and feel free to hit me up with an issue or DM if you want to go into the bowels of why. (It has to do with react-native-camera-clean