alecpo React Native Template
⚠️ Thanks for coming, but first...~~let's take a selfie!🤳🏻~~
You will need to ensure that the React Native development environment is working correctly. If you haven't already, I suggest taking a look here before continuing.
⚛️ About the project
The intent of this project is to provide a custom template for React Native developers that wishes to start a brand new application, not by the begin, but having a pre-built project with the most commons and populars libraries and a reasonable pattern for the folder hierarchy.
🤔 How many different libraries do we have?
- @react-navigation/native → Provide a powerful, easy to use and completely customizable screens navigation in React Native;
- @react-navigation/stack → Provide a stack navigation model to use on react navigation;
- axios → "Promise based HTTP client";
- formik → Helper to build forms in react/react-native easily;
- prop-types → "Used as runtime type checking for React props and to document the intended types of properties passed to components";
- react-native-masked-text → "This is a simple masked text (normal text and input text) component for React-Native";
- react-native-safe-area-context → "A flexible way to handle safe area", is something like a better version of SafeAreaView;
- redux → "A Predictable State Container for JS Apps";
- react-redux → Integration of redux to Reacts applications;
- redux-logger → Allows to log the changes that is made in the redux state (display actions dispatches and store changes in browser console);
- redux-thunk → Intercept an action and handle with it's behavior and results;
- styled-components → Have a clean code with native css styling creating custom natives components;
- yup → Validation JS tool to improve the use of Formik library;
🙏 How to use it
It's simple, just run the command bellow on your workspace directory:
npx react-native init MyProjectName --template react-native-template-alecpo
🗂 The folder hierarchy explanation
⚠️ This topic only describes that folders and files that diverges from the original React Native template.
├── src/
│ ├── assets/ # Use this folder to storage any kind of assets required by your app.
│ │ └── img/ # Feel free to divide the images into subfolders .
│ │ └── svgAnimations/ # svg folder for animations (e.g: used by Lottie library)
│ ├── components/ # Put every kind of reusable custom components here.
│ │ └── DivisorLine.js # custom component to divide sections or elements in a list.
│ │ └── Icon.js # custom provided by react-native-vector-icons.
│ │ └── Label.js # custom text.
│ │ └── SubmitButton.js # custom submit button.
│ ├── config/ # Folder to the configurations files (e.g: API constants file, Reactotron, i18n, etc).
│ │ └── api.js # file to define the API's and endpoints constants.
│ ├── navigation/ # Folder for the "navigators" of React Navigation library. Use to structure the folder hierarchy. (Hint: Do this with advance planning).
│ │ └── RootStackNavigator.js # initial navigator of React Nativagation library.
│ ├── screens/ # Folder for ALL the screens files.
│ │ └── HomeScreen.js # Initial screen.
│ ├── store/ # Follow the structure to use Redux in your project.
│ │ └── actions/ # Action types and action creators files.
│ │ └── reducers/ # "Reducer's" files.
│ │ └── storeConfig.js # "store" settings file.
│ ├── utils/ # Helpers for your project.
│ │ └── customPropTypes/ # This folder contains the customs PropTypes that you probably will need.
│ │ └── enums/ # Enums folders.
│ │ └── colors.js # File to specify your application's color palette.
│ │ └── spacing.js # Generic pattern of spacings to your project.
│ │ └── strings.js # Strings constants used to prevent syntax mistakes and provide a scalable internationalization.
│ │ └── typography.js # Constants used to customize the "Label" component.
├── .prettierrc.json # Used to indent your project automatically.
├── babel.config.js # Allows you to use an alias on import custom modules or components (e.g: #/components/Label).
├── jsconfig.json # Offers autocomplete for your absolute path using alias (#/).
├── LICENSE # License file description.
└── # Template documentation in markdown text.