Native container view for enabling swipe actions (for example to enable swipe to delete and such)
A native container which provides a smooth drag interaction with any react-native view to implement a horizontal swiping behaviour, for example: swiping a "card" view out of the screen to delete it.
Install from npm
npm i --save react-native-swipe-view
Now link the native libraries:
Add to the app build.gradle
compile project(':RNSwipeView')
Add to settings.gradle
include ':RNSwipeView'
project(':RNSwipeView').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-swipe-view/android')
Add the package to your getPackages
import com.wix.RNSwipeView.SwipeViewPackage;
protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
//add this pacakge:
new SwipeViewPackage()
In Xcode, drag the SwipeView.xcodeproj
from your node modules to the libraries list in the Project Navigator. Then add libSwipeView
to your app target "Linked Frameworks and Libraries"
export a Component called SwipeView
which you can use to wrap any hirarchy of child views that you wish to be contained and interacted with a swipe behavior.
For example:
//import the swipe view container
import {SwipeView} from 'react-native-swipe-view';
//use it in your render function
<SwipeView changeOpacity removeViewOnSwipedOut style={{borderWidth: 4}}>
<Text style={styles.welcome}>
This is a swipe view!
<Text style={styles.instructions}>
Drag it to interact
supported props
| prop | default | type | description |
| ---- | ---- | ----| ---- |
| changeOpacity | false | Boolean | Should the component change content alphw while dragging |
| removeViewOnSwipedOut |false | Boolean | Should the component be removed from the hierarchy after it is swiped out |
| minPanToComplete | 0.5 | Number | The distance from the view center which needs to be completed in percents for the "swipe out" action to happen. If the threshold is not reached it will bounce back |
| bounceBackAnimDuration | 0.35 | Number | Duration of bounce back animation when the threshold defined in minPanToComplete is not matched |
| bounceBackAnimDamping | 0.65 | Number | Damping param of iOS bounce back animation when the threshold defined in minPanToComplete is not matched |
| onSwipeStart | - | Function | Callback function which is called when the swiping action starts. A direction
param is provided wiht left
or right
value |
| onWillBeSwipedOut | - | Function | Callback function which is called right before a view is swiped out (when it passed the minPanToComplete threshold). A direction
param is provided wiht left
or right
value |
| onSwipedOut | - | Function | Callback function which is called after the "swiped out" animation is done. A direction
param is provided wiht left
or right
value |
| onWillBounceBack | - | Function | Callback function which is called right before a view bounces back (when it fails to pass the minPanToComplete threshold). A direction
param is provided wiht left
or right
value |
| onBouncedBack | - | Function | Callback function which is called after the "bounce back" animation is done. A direction
param is provided wiht left
or right
value |