A collection of simple, reusable react-native components
A collection of simple, customisable reusable react-native components with a decent amount of functionality out of the box.
Important: A number of components have been removed from the V2 release in favour of better supported external libraries. Please see the CHANGELOG for further changes.
yarn add react-native-simple-components
react-native-vector-icons is a dependency. You will need to set it up as per the following link (unless you plan to pass in custom icon components).
import { HeaderBar } from 'react-native-simple-components';
See the source code for props. NOTE: Pass in Material icon names where applicable. ANOTHER NOTE: These components were created with the thought that the component's container should control a component's layout.
import React from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
import { HeaderBar } from 'react-native-simple-components';
class Home extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<View style={{flex: 1}}>
statusBarStyle='light-content' // or dark-content
leftComponent={null} // pass in custom component
handleLeftIconPress={/* some function */}
textComponent={null} // pass in custom component
text='Eazy Peezy'
textLeft={false} // align text to the left (useful if you don't want a left icon)
textRight={false} // align text to the right (useful if you don't want a right icon)
handleTextPress={/* some function */)}
textStyle={null} // style fonts here
rightComponent={null} // pass in custom component
handleRightIconPress={/* some function */}
style={null} // set backgroundColor, height etc here
- [x] ActionSheet - A JS action sheet that accepts text and iconName options.
- [x] Button - A button that accepts text and an optional icon.
- [x] ButtonIcon - A round button that contains an icon.
- [x] CheckBox - A nice and simple checkbox component.
- [x] DeleteButton - A small close button (used internally).
- [x] HeaderBar - A header component that accepts status bar styles, text and left and right icons.
- [x] IconTextRow - A row with icon and text justified with space-between
- [x] InfoBlock - A common title and description patterned component.
- [x] Label - An icon and text label component.
- [x] Loader - A thin line loader that animates left to right in a loop.
- [x] LoadingText - An animating loading component that represents a data fetch on text.
- [x] NotificationIcon - A small notification type icon that contains a count value.
- [x] Page - A component that acts as a page wrapper for your scenes. Has a few helper props.
- [x] RotatingChevron - A rotating chevron.
- [x] SmartImage - An image component that displays an ActivityIndicator while fetching images or a offline icon if offline or an error icon if error
- [x] StarRating - Renders a row of outlined or filled stars based on rating prop. Will pass back the pressed rating.
- [x] StatusBar - Android and iOS friendly status bar (used internally).
- [x] TabBar - A tab bar that accepts icons and label text.
- [x] Touchable - A touchable component that renders the android ripple effect if specified and if on an Android device (used internally).
- Clone the repo.
git clone
- Install dependencies:
cd demo && yarn
- Run the demo
react-native run-ios
- Clone the repo.
git clone
- Install dependencies:
- Follow our process.
NOTE: Make sure that your tests are passing before submitting your PR:
yarn test