A react native module that wraps and bridges Mia iOS and Android SDKs
$ npm install react-native-rn-mia --save
This links the module in Android but more steps are required to complete the iOS integration.
- Navigate to the ios folder and install pods: `cd ios && pod install && cd ..`
- Open your application xcworkspace and add Mia.framework to the Libraries folder
- Right click on Libraries - Add Files to "Your project" and find Mia.framework in *react-native-rn-mia/ios* directory
- Under application target - *Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content*, select *Embed & Sign* for Mia.framework
Usage (Access Mia API)
The react native wrapper module can be accessed from your javascript by importing RNMia module.
import RNMia from 'react-native-rn-mia';
Mia Checkout API
Present Mia checkout after obtaining a payment ID and payment URL from Nets Easy create payment
See the [example](### Example - Create Payment with Nets Easy) to create payment with order and merchant details.
// This example presents Mia SDK's checkout WebView and handles
// the callbacks by presenting an alert accordingly
RNMia.checkoutWithPaymentID(paymentID, paymentURL, redirectURL,
(error) => {
alertTitle = error ? "Error" : "Payment Successful"
Alert.alert(alertTitle, error, [{text:"Ok"}])
(cancellation) => {
Alert.alert("Cancelled", "You have cancelled the payment", [{text:"Ok"}])
Note: A redirect URL is used to identify navigation from Mia SDK back to the application.
Pass the same redirectURL
when creating the payment with Nets Easy API and
when presenting checkout with Mia SDK as shown above.
- Success: The first callback is invoked with no error
if payment was successful
- Failure: The first callback returns an error
map object in case of error. User "Error" key to obtain error message.
- Cancellation: The second callback is invoked if the user cancelled the process. The callback does not contain any argument.
Example (Create Payment with Nets Easy)
Create the request body:
requestBody = {
"checkout": {
"termsUrl": URL,
"returnURL": redirectURL,
"consumerType": {
"supportedTypes": [
"default": "B2C"
"integrationType": "HostedPaymentPage"
"order": {
"reference": "reference",
"currency": "SEK",
"amount": amount,
"items": [
"unit": "pcs",
"netTotalAmount": amount,
"taxAmount": 0,
"grossTotalAmount": amount,
"quantity": 1,
"name": "Lightning Cable",
"unitPrice": amount,
"taxRate": 0,
"reference": "reference"
Initiate payment using your merchant secret key to authorize with Nets Easy
// Test env. is used for this demo
baseURL = ""
fetch(baseURL + '/payments', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Token ' + secretKey
body: JSON.stringify(requestBody),
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((json) => {
// Use these `paymentID` and `paymentURL` to present Mia SDK (see above)
paymentID = json.paymentId
paymentURL = json.hostedPaymentPageUrl
.catch((error) => {
Mia SDK presents a checkout WebView with the payment information and returns the result to the application via callbacks.
In order to initiate a subscription payment, include a subscription
key in the request body
containing endDate
and interval
values. See EasyAPI.js of the sample app for a complete example.