QuickOM SDK support for React Native apps.
#React Native QuickOM Calling SDK
React Native QuickOM Calling SDK is library javascript client for Beowulf Quickom.
Full Documentation
- The api documentation can be found in the official beowulf developers portal:
Main Functions Supported
- Voice call
- Message
- CallKit
- npm version 6.9.0
- react-native version >= 0.60
1. Install the library
npm i react-native-quickomcallingsdk-webrtc
2. Link
react-native link react-native-quickomcallingsdk-webrtc
// Note For iOS using cocoapods, run:
cd ios && pod install
3. Configure your project
Add these keys to Info.plist
| Key | Description | | ---------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | | NSCameraUsageDescription | Request application’s permission to access Camera | | NSMicrophoneUsageDescription | Request application’s permission to access Microphone |
Go to Settings / Capabilities, section Background Modes, enable these capabilities
|Property|Description| |----------|------------| | Voice over IP |Call via network| | Audio, AirPlay, and Picture in Picture |Support call via network feature| | Background fetch |Support call via network feature| | Remote notifications |Support Remote push notification|
Go to Settings / Capabilities, section Push Notifications (Enable VoIP notification)
Go to Settings / Build Settings, section Build Options, set Enable Bitcode = No
Add the following 'Podfile' to your project
Add a new Swift file and a Brigde header
- File -> New -> File
- Select Swift File
- Confirm Create Bridging Header
Go to Settings / Build Settings, set Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries = YES
Optional, if you can use feature Callkit:
- Add the following in file "AppDelegate.h" to your project
#import <PushKit/PushKit.h>
@property (nonatomic, retain) PKPushRegistry *pushRegistry;
- Add the following in file "AppDelegate.m" to your project
#import <PushKit/PushKit.h>
#import "CallCenter.h"
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application {
//register for voip notifications
self.pushRegistry = [[PKPushRegistry alloc] initWithQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];
[self.pushRegistry setDelegate:self];
[self.pushRegistry setDesiredPushTypes:[NSSet setWithObject:PKPushTypeVoIP]];
return YES;
#pragma mark - VoIP push methods
- (void)pushRegistry:(PKPushRegistry *)registry didUpdatePushCredentials:(PKPushCredentials *)credentials forType:(NSString *)type {
[CallCenter pushRegistry:registry didUpdatePushCredentials:credentials forType:type];
- (void)pushRegistry:(PKPushRegistry *)registry didReceiveIncomingPushWithPayload:(PKPushPayload *)payload forType:(NSString *)type {
[CallCenter pushRegistry:registry didReceiveIncomingPushWithPayload:payload forType:type];
- (void)pushRegistry:(PKPushRegistry *)registry didInvalidatePushTokenForType:(NSString *)type {
[CallCenter pushRegistry:registry didInvalidatePushTokenForType:type];
Import library
import QuickOMCallingSDK from 'react-native-quickomcallingsdk-webrtc';
init sdk
init() {
// register apiKey from beowulfchain
// apiKey = UEMrUzJSc1RXVmR6aGpmb2liNUJoVGNOYjdhb0tmYW9HUWZqY2VwaFhLWjNqS2crb0UrVnF3Wkw3T01zVVN2TA==
let quickOMCallingSDK = new QuickOMCallingSDK(apiKey);
.then(() => {
// opened sdk
Stop sdk
stop() {
.then(() => {
// closed sdk
Listen delivered message
quickOMCallingSDK.on('message', (data) => {
// data => { isImage, content, msgId, convId, from, date (timestamp) }
// or { status, msgId, from }
// {"isImage":false,"content":"Gy","msgId":"93181562051293759_1573123121.940","convId":"c604cfd5-3e42-4bcc-ab7d-bea804c7b0e1","from":"[email protected]","date":1573123122319.268}
// {"isImage":true,"content":"","msgId":"93181562051293759_1573205306.793","convId":"65961570683864472_1573208896.502451","from":"[email protected]","date":1573208910342.4329}
// or {"status":"seen","msgId":"19921570534911738_1573123096.548","from":"[email protected]"}
Listen delivered calling
quickOMCallingSDK.on('calling', (data) => {
// data => { identifier, isVideoCall, status }
// or { duration, status }
// {"identifier":"[email protected]","isVideoCall":false,"status":"incoming"}
// {"identifier":"[email protected]","isVideoCall":true,"status":"connected"}
// {"duration":"1.266337","status":"end"}
Listen delivered generate push content when caller after making call (require: enabled Callkit)
quickOMCallingSDK.on('generatePushContent', (data) => {
// data => { data, identifier, type }
// {"data": "eyJ0eXBlIjoiZHJvcCIsImRyb3BSZXF1ZXN0SWQiOiJDQUZDMDJCNS1GNDFCLTRCOTYtODNCMS05MUQxNTE3RjY3NjAiLCJyZXF1ZXN0SWQiOiIzMkQyQ0I0OS1EQkEwLTQ5MEQtODRCMy05OTg5NzBERkYxM0UifQ==", "identifier": "[email protected]", "type": "2"}
Submit the data
to your server. Your server must put the data
to field alert
within field aps
of push notification content as following format
aps = {
alert = "<data>";
badge = 1;
sound = default;
Request voice call
requestVoiceCall() {
// identifier => an unique id to identify an user who will be connected with
.then((res) => {
// success
// res => { identifier, isVideoCall }
// {"identifier":"[email protected]", "isVideoCall": false}
.catch((err) => {
// err => { code, description }
// 10 - Framework isn’t configured yet
// 11 - Framework isn’t started yet
// 100 - Can’t start calling
// 101 - Callee account doesn’t exist
// 102 - Callee is busy because currently callee is in another call
// 103 - Callee denies the call
// 104 - Caller canceled the call
// 105 - The call is timeout because callee doesn’t pick up or deny the call
// 106 - Call from caller is timeout
End current call
endCall() {
.then((res) => {
// success
// res => { duration }
// {"duration":"1.266337"}
.catch((err) => {
// err => { code, description }
// 10 - Framework isn’t configured yet
// 11 - Framework isn’t started yet
Accept current call
acceptCall() {
.then(() => {
// success
// res => { identifier, isVideoCall }
// {"identifier": "[email protected]", "isVideoCall": true}
.catch((err) => {
// err => { code, description }
// 10 - Framework isn’t configured yet
// 11 - Framework isn’t started yet
// 22 - Framework is configuring
Deny current call
denyCall() {
.then(() => {
// success
// res => { duration }
// {"duration":"0"}
.catch((err) => {
// err => { code, description }
// 10 - Framework isn’t configured yet
// 11 - Framework isn’t started yet
// 22 - Framework is configuring
Set custom sound for outgoing and incoming call
// By default , these properties are set to null.
// If it’s is null, Beowulf default calling sound will be played
// Sound file’s type can be 'mp3' or 'wav' but 'mp3' is prefer than 'wav'
// Total duration of the sound file should be less than 30 seconds for best performance
setSoundOutgoingCall() {
// path => Sound file’s type
setSoundIncomingCall() {
// path => Sound file’s type
Set Enable / Disable playing sound for outgoing and incoming call
// By default , these properties are set to false.
// If 'shouldPlaySoundForOutgoingCall' is true and 'customCallingSoundPathForOutgoingCall' has valid and non-null value, custom sound will be played.
// If 'customCallingSoundPathForOutgoingCall' is null or path doesn’t exist, Beowulf default sound will be played instead.
// If 'shouldPlaySoundForIncomingCall' is true and 'customCallingSoundPathForIncomingCall' has valid and non-null value, custom sound will be played.
// If 'customCallingSoundPathForIncomingCall' is null or path doesn’t exist, Beowulf default sound will be played instead.
setPlaySoundOutgoingCall() {
// shouldPlay => true / false
// Default is false
setPlaySoundIncomingCall() {
// shouldPlay => true / false
// Default is false
Send text messsage
sendText() {
// messContent => text sending
// to => an unique id to identify an user on your platform. In this case, it’s an identifier of RECEIVER whom the message will be send to
quickOMCallingSDK.sendText({ messContent, to })
.then((res) => {
// success
// res => msgId
.catch((err) => {
// err => { code, description }
// 10 - Framework isn’t configured yet
// 11 - Framework isn’t started yet
// 23 - Enterprise is not authorized
// 202 - Unable to send message
// 203 - Receiver account does not exist
Send image
sendImage() {
// source => base64 image or linkUrl
// to => an unique id to identify an user on your platform. In this case, it’s an identifier of RECEIVER whom the message will be send to
quickOMCallingSDK.sendImage({ source, to })
.then((res) => {
// success
// res => msgId
.catch((err) => {
// err => { code, description }
// 10 - Framework isn’t configured yet
// 11 - Framework isn’t started yet
// 23 - Enterprise is not authorized
// 202 - Unable to send message
// 203 - Receiver account does not exist
Send message seen
sendSeen() {
// msgId => msgId from listen delivered message
// to => an unique id to identify an user on your platform. In this case, it’s an identifier of whom the Seen status will be notify to
quickOMCallingSDK.sendSeen({ msgId, to })
.then(() => {
// success
.catch((err) => {
// err => { code, description }
// 10 - Framework isn’t configured yet
// 11 - Framework isn’t started yet
// 204 - Unable to send status
Enable callkit, availability: from iOS 10
setEnableCallKit() {
// enable => enable / disable callkit
// appName => callkit app name
// include => includes the calls in recents
// imageName => callkit app image name (Opitonal)
// ringtoneName => callkit ringtone name (Opitonal)
// {"enable": true, "appName": 'SDK-CMM', "include": true}
quickOMCallingSDK.enableCallKit({ enable, appName, include, imageName, ringtoneName })
.then(() => {
// success
.catch((err) => {
// err => { code, description }
// 107 - Callkit isn’t supported