a stylish numeric input for react native
a cross platform stylish numeric input for react native
Working example
you can check out the very simple react native example app just click here and follow the instructions enjoy!
Latest version
if you have react-native-vector-icons installed in your project
yarn add react-native-numeric-input
or with npm
npm install react-native-numeric-input --save
if you don't have react-native-vector-icons installed in your project
yarn add react-native-numeric-input react-native-vector-icons
react-native link
or with npm
npm install react-native-numeric-input react-native-vector-icons --save
react-native link
if you're experiencing issues with react-native link
which is used to install react-native-vector-icons
please refer to react-native-vector-icons to see manual installation steps
Responsive default size
this component uses the react-native-pixel-perfect
and the defualt style is using base resolution for iphone7, in case you want to use the default design but, using a different base resolution, I added a function called updateBaseResolution(width,height) to use it you need to access it via a ref to the component.
since the component is dependant on react-native-pixel-perfect, when installing this package you install also react-native-pixel-perfect if it's not already installed.
so you can create your own responsive size function and use it to set your custom style.
import Component
import NumericInput from 'react-native-numeric-input'
Basic Usage
<NumericInput onChange={value => console.log(value)} />
or basic up-down
<NumericInput type='up-down' onChange={value => console.log(value)} />
Keep State Value
<NumericInput value={this.state.value} onChange={value => this.setState({value})} />
Advanced Usage
onChange={value => this.setState({value})}
onLimitReached={(isMax,msg) => console.log(isMax,msg)}
iconStyle={{ color: 'white' }}
Name | Type | Default
value |number
| none
minValue |number
| none
maxValue |number
| none
step |number
| 1
valueType |'integer'
or 'real'
| 'integer'
initValue |number
| null if not used will start at 0
iconSize |number
| calcSize(30)
borderColor |string
| '#d4d4d4'
iconStyle |object
| none
totalWidth |number
| calcSize(220)
separatorWidth |number
| 1
type |'plus-minus'
or 'up-down'
| 'plus-minus'
rounded |boolean
| false
textColor |string
| 'black'
containerStyle |object
| none
inputStyle |object
| none
upDownButtonsBackgroundColor |string
| 'white'
rightButtonBackgroundColor |string
| 'white'
leftButtonBackgroundColor |string
| 'white'
totalHeight |number
| none
onChange |function
| none - required prop
onLimitReached |function
| none (empty function)
editable |boolean
| true
validateOnBlur |boolean
| true
reachMaxIncIconStyle |object
| none
reachMaxDecIconStyle |object
| none
reachMinIncIconStyle |object
| none
reachMinDecIconStyle |object
| none
extraTextInputProps |object
| none
notes about props
- value prop - this component uses it's own state to hold value if value is not given as a prop
- style props - this component has a default style and the styles props are to override the default style or add more fields
- totalWidth prop - this prop is for the entire component width, and all other sizes are derived from it , unless given other size props
- initValue prop - if using value prop, this is not needed and the initial value can be given by the value prop
- validateOnBlur - added on version 1.3.2, if set to false the text input will validate while typing, not recommended, so just keep it true unless there is a good reason not to use the default functionallity
- reachMaxIncIconStyle - added on version 1.4.0, used to set style to the increment button icon in case maxValue is reached - optional
- reachMaxDecIconStyle - added on version 1.4.0, used to set style to the decrement button icon in case maxValue is reached - optional
- reachMinIncIconStyle - added on version 1.4.0, used to set style to the increment button icon in case minValue is reached - optional
- reachMinDecIconStyle - added on version 1.4.0, used to set style to the decrement button icon in case minValue is reached - optional
- onLimitReached - added on version 1.7.0, used to handle event of min/max reached, this function receives 2 arguments: (isMas:Boolean, msg:String) like in the advanced example above - optional
- extraTextInputProps - added on version 1.8.0, used to add props used for the original TextInput component that are not used/supported in this component explicitly - optional
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License