A React Native integration for ML Kit Translate.
A React Native wrapper around Google's ML Kit Translate library, which provides free on-device translations and uses the very same ML models as Google Translate's offline mode.
IMPORTANT: This package currently supports only Android. Contributions are highly welcome, so feel free to add an IOS implementation as well :)
Getting started
$ npm install react-native-mlkit-translate --save
Mostly automatic installation
$ react-native link react-native-mlkit-translate
translate(text: string, sourceLanguage: string, targetLanguage: string, requireWifiToDownloadModel?: boolean): Promise <string>
Translate a word/sentence from a source to a target language.
- text - the text to be translated
- sourceLanguage - the code for the source language, i.e. the language of text (language codes)
- targetLanguage - the code for the target language, i.e. the language to which text should be translated (language codes)
- requireWifiToDownloadModel (default value: true) - in case the language model has not been download yet, it will try to download it on-the-fly. In such case, this flag will determine whether it should require Wifi to download the model (~30MB).
- Returns the translated text
getDownloadedModels(): Promise<string[]>
Retrieve all translation models downloaded in the mobile.
- Returns an array with the language codes for the downloaded models (language codes).
deleteDownloadedModel(languageCode: string): Promise<void>
Delete a specific language model from the mobile.
- languageCode - the language code for the translation model (language codes)
downloadModel(languageCode: string, requireWifi?: boolean): Promise<void>
Download a specific language model to the mobile.
- languageCode - the language code for the translation model (language codes)
- requireWifi (default value: true) - determine whether it should require Wifi to download the model (~30MB).