Based on the code in Still a work in progress.
Based on the code in Still a work in progress.
- Removed backward typing bug
- Fixed cursor not showing on Android
- Can edit existing text with @ mentions
- Can customize user objects as needed
- Can show custom secondary text in mention items
- Can change the key with which to extract display name of user (@Full Name instead of @username, for instance)
- Can show mention list above or below editor as needed
Getting started
$ npm install react-native-mention-editor --save
import Editor from 'react-native-mention-editor';
list={this.state.userList} //send the list of user objects
mainContainer: style.textInputStyle,
inputMaskText: { fontFamily: font.regular }, //important to make sure input and
input: { fontFamily: font.regular }, //inputMaskText styles match exactly
displayKey="name" //specify which key in the user object to display
extractionKey="username" //specify which key is to be treated as the unique ID of user objects
secondaryKey="speciality" //specify what to show in the second line. Omit this prop if you don't need a second line
onHideMentions={() => this.setState({ showMentions: false })}
onChange={({ text, displayText }) => {
this.setState({ text, displayText });
Whatever displayKey
and extractionKey
are specified, those strings are mandatory as keys in the user objects in the list passed to the Editor. For example, here, displayKey="name"
and extractionKey="username"
so a user object must mandatorily be of the form {"name": "Full Name", "username": "some_one", ...any other keys and values you want}
The onChange() method will always receive two params:
in the formHey @[username](id:1) this is good work
in the formHey @Full Name this is good work
(if you have specifieddisplayKey
to be "name").
To format the text according to your api's needs, you can use the following code snippet:
import { EU } from 'react-native-mention-editor';
export const formatMentionTextToApiFormat = inputText => {
const retLines = inputText.split('\n');
const formattedText = [];
retLines.forEach((retLine, rowIndex) => {
const mentions = EU.findMentions(retLine);
if (mentions.length) {
let lastIndex = 0;
mentions.forEach((men, index) => {
const initialStr = retLine.substring(lastIndex, men.start);
lastIndex = men.end + 1;
const formattedMention = `@{{${}||${men.username}}}`; //You can format the mention text any way you want here. Remember that inputText will always have the value of the extractionKey you specified as the value of the id key in this object.
if (mentions.length - 1 === index) {
const lastStr = retLine.substr(lastIndex); //remaining string
} else {
return formattedText.join('');
Other Properties:
list: array
This should be the list of objects to be used as options for the mentions list. Note This must contain id and username properties to uniqely identify object in the list.
initialValue: string
Use this to initialize TextInput with the initial value. Usage. initalValue: "Hey @mrazadar this is good work"
clearInput: bool
When true input will be cleared automatically.
onChange: function
This function will be called on input change event.
showEditor: bool
Programmatically show/hide editor by using this property.
toggleEditor: function
Use this to handle blur event on input.
showMentions: bool
Use this property to programmatically trigger the mentionsList this will add @ character in the value.
shouldShowMentionsBelow: bool
When true, the list of mentions will be shown below the editor instead of above.
onHideMentions: function
This callback will be called when user stop tracking of mention.
placeholder: string
placeholder for empty input.
editorStyles: object
This object will contain the overriding styles for different nodes. Check the object below to see how you can override styles.
editorStyles: {
mainContainer: {},
editorContainer: {...},
inputMaskTextWrapper: {},
inputMaskText: {},
input: {},
mentionListItemWrapper: {}
mentionListItemTextWrapper: {},
mentionListItemTitle: {}
mentionListItemUsername: {}