React Native component to verify the signature of a JWT string representation/token using public_key, generate a SecretKey, encrypt Data,...
NOTE: Currently, this library supports only ANDROID systems! For IOS, It is coming soon ... React Native component to verify the signature of a JWT string representation/token using public_key, generate a SecretKey, encrypt Data, ... Others features are coming soon.
# using npm
npm install react-native-jsonwebtoken
# OR using Yarn
yarn add react-native-jsonwebtoken
Before start, please add this below config in app/build.grale to resolve conflict Android library
configurations {
all {
exclude group: 'org.bouncycastle', module: 'bcprov-jdk15to18'
import { verifyToken, generateSecretKey, encryptData } from 'react-native-jsonwebtoken';
// Handle for verify token using a public_key
const result = verifyToken(TOKEN, PUBLIC_KEY)
.then((verificationResult: boolean) => {
console.log('Verification Result:', verificationResult);
setResult('Token is valid');
.catch((error: ErrorWithMessage) => {
console.error('Error verifying JWT:', error.message);
setResult(`Error verifying JWT: ${error.message}`);
// Generate a secret key by using generateSecretKey
const encryptionResult = generateSecretKey()
.then((result: EncryptionResult) => {
console.log("Generated Key:", result.key);
console.log("Generated IV:", result.iv);
.catch((error: ErrorWithMessage) => {
console.error("Error generating secret key:", error.message);
setEncryptionResult(`Error generating secret key: ${error.message}`)
//Encrypted Data
const dataToEncrypt = JSON.stringify(data);
const encryptedData = encryptData(dataToEncrypt, PUBLIC_KEY)
.then((encrypted: string) => {
console.log('Encrypted Data:', encrypted);
setEncryptedData(`Encrypted Data: ${encrypted}`)
.catch((error: ErrorWithMessage) => {
console.error('Error encrypting data:', error.message);
setEncryptedData(`Error encrypting data: ${error.message}`)
Now what?
- If you want to add this new React Native code to an existing application, check out the Integration guide.
- If you're curious to learn more about React Native, check out the Introduction to React Native.
If you can't get this to work, see the Troubleshooting page.
Learn More
To learn more about React Native, take a look at the following resources:
- React Native Website - learn more about React Native.
- Getting Started - an overview of React Native and how setup your environment.
- Learn the Basics - a guided tour of the React Native basics.
- Blog - read the latest official React Native Blog posts.
- the Open Source; GitHub repository for React Native.
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