integration of serveral custom rom push servers,base on offical jpush-react-native library(2.8.7)
use following command to download package :
yarn add react-native-jpush-rom-wrapper
integration of serveral custom rom push servers,base on offical jpush-react-native library(2.8.7)
- android jpush library : v4.2.8
- ios jpush library : v3.7.4
Instructions of integrate system-level push service
Android platform
You need add some proguard rules for jpush-react-native library if you need proguard in your project
#for jpush official sdk
-optimizations !code/simplification/arithmetic,!field/*,!class/merging/*
-keep public class * extends
-keep public class * extends
-keep public class * extends
-keep public class * extends
-keep public class * extends android.content.BroadcastReceiver
-keep public class * extends android.content.ContentProvider
-keep public class * extends
-keep public class * extends android.preference.Preference
-keep public class
-dontwarn cn.jpush.**
-keep class cn.jpush.** { *; }
HUAWEI message service(HMS)
Add following code in AndroidManifest.xml of app module:
Add following code in build.gradle of app module:
defaultConfig {
manifestPlaceholders = [
HUAWEI_APPID: "xxxxxxxxxx", //华为appid
HUAWEI_CP_ID: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" //华为cp_id //华为cp_id
Add following code in proguard file if you use proguard :
#for jpush huawei sdk
-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keepattributes Exceptions
-keepattributes InnerClasses
-keepattributes Signature
-keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable
-keep class**{*;}
-keep class com.huawei.updatesdk.**{*;}
-keep class com.huawei.hms.**{*;}
The last step you need to do for make HMS work is download the agconnect-services.json from huawei developer official website and put it to root of app module
Notice : After these steps , you also need create a project in AppGallery Connect and add the application you created to this project , then you need go to ${your project} -> push server -> config and open the switch to get things work ! ! !
OPPO push service
Add following code in build.gradle of app module:
defaultConfig {
manifestPlaceholders = [
OPPO_APPKEY : "xxxxxxxx",//jpush oppo system level push configuration
OPPO_APPID : "xxxxxxxx",//jpush oppo system level push configuration
OPPO_APPSECRET: "xxxxxxxx",//jpush oppo system level push configuration
Add following code in proguard file if you use proguard :
#for jpush oppo sdk
-dontwarn com.coloros.mcsdk.**
-keep class com.coloros.mcsdk.** { *; }
-dontwarn com.heytap.**
-keep class com.heytap.** { *; }
-dontwarn com.mcs.**
-keep class com.mcs.** { *; }
XIAOMI push service
Add following code in build.gradle of app module:
defaultConfig {
manifestPlaceholders = [
XIAOMI_APPKEY : "MI-您的应用对应的小米的APPKEY", //jpush xiaomi system level push configuration
XIAOMI_APPID : "MI-您的应用对应的小米的APPID", //jpush xiaomi system level push configuration
Add following code in proguard file if you use proguard :
#for jpush xiaomi sdk
-dontwarn com.xiaomi.push.**
-keep class com.xiaomi.push.** { *; }
Override the android receiver component in Manifest
<!--jpush xiaomi configuration need ensure the receiver run in host-process-->
<intent-filter android:priority="1000">
<action android:name="" />
<!--Required 显示通知栏 -->
<category android:name="${applicationId}" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT" />
<action android:name="" />
<!-- Optional -->
<action android:name="android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED" />
<data android:scheme="package" />
VIVO push service
Add following code in build.gradle of app module:
defaultConfig {
manifestPlaceholders = [
VIVO_APPKEY : "您的应用对应的VIVO的APPKEY", //jpush vivo system level push configuration
VIVO_APPID : "您的应用对应的VIVO的APPID", //jpush vivo system level push configuration
Add following code in proguard file if you use proguard :
#for jpush vivo sdk
-keep class**{*; }
-keep class**{*; }
MEIZU push service
Add following code in build.gradle of app module:
defaultConfig {
manifestPlaceholders = [
MEIZU_APPKEY : "MZ-0956b96085d54c6087b85c7994b02ddf", //jpush meizu system level push configuration
MEIZU_APPID : "MZ-110443", //jpush meizu system level push configuration
Add following code in proguard file if you use proguard :
#for jpush meizu sdk
-keep class** { *; }
ASUS push service
Add following code in AndroidManifest.xml of app module:
<receiver android:name="" />
If you disallow backup in your main module manifest file , when you compile this library you will get error :
Execution failed for task ':app:processDevelopDebugMainManifest'.
> Manifest merger failed : Attribute application@allowBackup value=(false) from AndroidManifest.xml:24:9-36
is also present at [cn.jiguang.sdk.plugin:huawei:4.2.8] AndroidManifest.xml:12:9-35 value=(true).
Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:allowBackup"' to <application> element at AndroidManifest.xml:7:5-12:19 to override.
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
You can abandon your backup option or override HUAWEI library backup option by replace tools , it's up to you .
IOS platform
The steps of config certifications already descripted in Jpush offical document , but when I follow these step I also find some place maybe anbiguous :
- when you import the downloaded Apple Push services certificate to key-chain manager in your macos , you maybe found there not have option can let you export the certificate as .p12 format . You need following the instraction exactly , open key-chain manager ( delete the imported certificate first if you already import ) , click My certificates -> Login , then click the certificate you download from Apple developer to import this to key chains , then you will found this option .
After that , you need add some code to AppDelegate.m file to register listeners to ios system , refer to example in offical jpush-react-native library