A small library to use UIVisualEffectView
in react-native
🚧⚠️ Work in Progress ⚠️🚧
This library + documentation is currently not finished yet. For now, please browse through examples directory to get a rough idea on how to use this library. Jump to basic usage section for example code + gif.
very special thanks to: junzhengca, brentvatne, expo, EvanBacon, corasan, lauridskern, ronintechnologies, and gerzonc for becoming a monthly sponsor, and thank you fobos531 for being a one time sponsor 🥺 (if you have the means to do so, please considering sponsoring here)
A. Introduction
- ❤️ Support for using
+ all the systemUIBlurEffectStyles
. - 🧡 Support for using custom blur radius and effect intensity (percent).
- 💚 Support for animating the blur effect style + blur radius changes.
- 💙 Support for creating and using filters (WIP)
- 💜 Runs on the old + new architecture (paper + fabric).
Testflight and Testing
The example app builds are automatically created and submitted on every version release via Xcode cloud, so if you just want to quickly try things out, the example app is available to try out via testflight (invite link).
Alternatively, you can also try out the corresponding example app to the native dependency that this library uses under the hood: VisualEffectBlurView
(invite link).
Other Related Gifs
B. Installation
Note: Support for the new architecture (fabric), and backwards compatibility for the old architecture (paper) is handled via a peer dependency to react-native-ios-utilites@v5
# 1. install library + dependencies
npm install react-native-ios-visual-effect-view@next
npm install react-native-ios-utilities@next
# 2. then run pod install (uses auto-linking)
cd ios && pod install
This library has cocoapods dependency to VisualEffectBlurView
and DGSwiftUtilities
, so you may need to update them separately (as needed).
# A. Either update this specific pod...
pod update VisualEffectBlurView DGSwiftUtilities
pod install --repo-update
# B. Or update all the pods
pod update
C. Basic Usage
hello! please see BlurViewBasicUsage01
for the full example
// 📝 Note: for the sake of brevity, some of the code is omitted...
import { BlurView } from 'react-native-ios-visual-effect-view';
export function BlurViewBasicUsage01() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text style={styles.label}>
mode: 'blurEffectSystem',
blurEffectStyle: 'prominent',
duration: 1,
mode: 'presetCurve',
curve: 'easeOut',
D. Documentation
E. Examples
Please see the examples directory for the full list of examples, demos and tests.
Summary: Create a custom filter that darkens the views in the background, and applies a variable blur.
| Notes |
| :----------------------------------------------------------- |
| 1️⃣ — The CustomFilterView.currentFilters
prop accepts a CustomFilterConfig
object; this object is used create and configure the underlying UIVisualEffectView
effects.The CustomFilterConfig
is comprised of several properties, but for this example we will be focusing on the CustomFilterConfig.backgroundFilters
property (since it's required). |
| 2️⃣ — The CustomFilterConfig.backgroundFilters
property accepts an array of LayerFilterConfig
object; the "filter entries" in this array defines what filters to use for the UIVisualEffectView
's backdrop layer.The backdrop layer is special in that it is able to composite views that are behind it, and apply filters to it.📝 Note: The "quality" of the composited views can be controlled via the CustomFilterView.backgroundLayerSamplingSizeScale
prop; Setting this to 2.0
increases the sampling size, but at the cost of performance (use with caution). |
| 3️⃣ — The LayerFilterConfig
object is an tagged union type, with the LayerFilterConfig.filterName
property being the "discriminant" that separates all the possible combinations.The filterName
defines what type of filter to use; different types of filters have different inputs to control the look/behavior of the desired effect.In the example below, we define 4 LayerFilterConfig
entries in the array for the CustomFilterConfig.backgroundFilters
property: variadicBlur
(variable blur), colorBlackAndWhite
(color monochrome), brightenColors
(color brightness), and contrastColors
(color contrast).📝 Note: The names for the filter are a bit weird because we can't use the internal filters directly. Please see LayerFilterTypeName.swift
for the implementation details. |
export function CustomFilterViewExample01() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text style={styles.label}>
// increase quality (usually: 0.25...1)
// set the filters to use,
// accepts an array of `LayerFilterConfig`
backgroundFilters: [
// filter 1 of 4
// create variable blur filter
filterName: 'variadicBlur',
radius: 8,
shouldNormalizeEdges: true,
// define the intensity of blur via a gradient
gradientMask: {
type: 'axial',
colors: [
'rgba(0,0,0,1)', // max blur
'rgba(0,0,0,0)', // no blur
startPointPreset: 'topCenter',
endPointPreset: 'bottomCenter',
size: {
height: WINDOW_SIZE.height,
width: WINDOW_SIZE.width,
// filter 2 of 4
// Slightly desaturate colors
filterName: 'colorBlackAndWhite',
amount: 0.5
// filter 3 of 4
// reduce brightness
filterName: 'brightenColors',
amount: -0.5
// filter 4 of 4
// decrease contrast
filterName: 'contrastColors',
amount: 0.4,
{'Hello World'}
Summary: TBA
export function CustomFilterViewExample02() {
// ...
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
{ /* ... */ }
backgroundFilters: [
filterName: 'gaussianBlur',
radius: 18,
shouldNormalizeEdges: true,
filterName: 'brightenColors',
amount: -0.5
filterName: 'contrastColors',
amount: 0.3,
filterName: 'colorBlackAndWhite',
amount: 1,
tintConfig: {
opacity: 0.75,
blendMode: 'color',
tintColor: 'red',
foregroundFilters: [
filterName: 'gaussianBlur',
radius: 4,
shouldNormalizeEdges: false
filterName: 'colorMatrixVibrant',
colorMatrix: {
mode: 'preset',
preset: {
mode: 'presetName',
presetName: 'preset14'
<View style={styles.effectContent}>
See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.
Made with create-react-native-library