It is an international phone component with phone mask for Android and iOS.
It's an international phone input component with phone mask for Android and iOS.
Install npm library
npm install react-native-intl-phone-input-field
İmport library
import IntlPhoneInput from 'react-native-intl-phone-input-field';
Use component
onChangeText = ({dialCode, unmaskedPhoneNumber, phoneNumber, isVerified}) => {
console.log(dialCode, unmaskedPhoneNumber, phoneNumber, isVerified);
render() {
return (
<IntlPhoneInput onChangeText={this.onChangeText} defaultCountry="TR" renderAction={() => <Text>XX</Text>} />
Custom Modal Example
renderCustomModal=(modalVisible, countries, onCountryChange) => (
<Modal visible={modalVisible}>
<SafeAreaView style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<TextInput placeholder="Search" />
style={{ flex: 1 }}
keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()}
renderItem={({ item }) => (
<TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => onCountryChange(item.code)}>
<Text>{item['your language code here for example tr']}</Text>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.phoneInput.hideModal()}>
return <IntlPhoneInput
ref={(ref) => this.phoneInput = ref}
Supported Languages | | --- | --- | TR | Turkish | LT | Lithuanian | EN | English | RU | Russian |
prop names |type |default value | comment
--- | --- | --- | ---
countriesData | Array | | You can upload your own country information
lang | String | | Translate country name on modal
placeholder | String | | This prop change the phone input placeholder
defaultCountry | String | TR | You can change your default country code
mask | String | | You can set custom mask
onChangeText | Function | | This function works when input text is changed
customModal | Function | | Generate your custom modal
phoneInputStyle | Style | | This prop is about the text field's ReactNative.TextInput style
containerStyle | Style | | This prop is about the text field's container style
dialCodeTextStyle | Style | |
flagStyle | Style | |
modalContainer | Style | | This prop is about the modal field's SafeAreaView style.
filterInputStyle | Style | | This prop is about the top of model filter text style
closeButtonStyle | Style | | This prop is about text style of bottom modal
modalCountryItemCountryNameStyle | Style | |
filterText | String | Filter | This is the text of placeholder input of top modal
closeText | String | CLOSE | This prop is about the text of bottom modal
disableCountryChange | Bool | false | This prop is about disable open select country modal
renderAction | Function | | This prop attaching a component right of phone input
placeholderTextColor | String | black | This prop allows you to assign a color to the placeholderText
Based on React-Native-INTL-Phone-input