A react native package that handles fullscreen animations for your app
react-native-fullscreen-animations is a library to provides easy to use fullscreen animations. It's based of react-native-reanimated which allows for good performance on both Android and iOS. For now, the main export is the <Confetti />
If there are suggestions or ideas for improvement, please open up an issue and I'll try to get to it
| Prop | Type | Required? | Default | Description |
| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- |
| count | number | No | Half of the device width | The number of pieces of confetti that should be rendered |
| colors | string[] | No | [#a864fd
, #29cdff
, #78ff44
, #ff718d
, #fdff6a
] | An array of the colors that the confetti items will be made from. These must be hex values |
| fallDuration | number | No | 10000 | The time in which it takes for the confetti items to fall. This value is in milliseconds |
| zIndex | number | No | 1000 | Allows you to set the zIndex without a hacky solution |
| startDelay | number | No | 0 | The number of milliseconds that the animation should wait to start |
| preAnimation | () => void | No | () => {} | Function that runs before the animation is started |
| postAnimation | () => void | No | () => {} | Function that runs once the animation is completed |
To do
- [ ] Bundle so just the main exports can be imported
- [ ] Create interactive documentation
- [ ] Add tests and add the test report badge to the README
- [ ] Add to Circle CI and add the badge to the README
- [ ] Add a confetti cannon
- [ ] Add multiple confetti cannons
- [ ] Add a money drop
- [ ] Change confetti name to ConfettiDrop
- [ ] Add infinite confetti
- [ ] Floating balloons
- [ ] Add firework confetti
- [ ] Add fireworks
- [ ] Add snowfalling
- [ ] Add rain falling
- [ ] Add particle swirls
- [ ] Slinky
- [x] Doucment the props in the README
- [x] Confetti items are typically the same width. Make them all the same width and differing heights, but also rotate them to a random degree before they start falling
- [x] Simulate air resistance. Move them from left to right?
- [x] Add a pre animation callback
- [x] Add a post animation callback
- [x] Update default count to be dependent on screen width
- [x] Create a publish script that automatically builds and increments the version number