High-quality and fast camera component for react native
I was looking for a flexible and fast camera component for react native, tried react-native-camera and react-native-camera-kit but was not satisfied with the performance. In a nutshell, this module is the product of months of research and experimentations with an aim to create a useful solution.
Getting Started
1. Installation
- with yarn:
yarn add react-native-fast-camera
- with npm:
npm install --save react-native-fast-camera
2. Linking
- Copy
folder to yourios
- Copy
- from Xcode Project navigator select
Add Files to "project name"
then selectios/FastCamera
- from Xcode Project navigator select
3. Permissions
Add the following permission strings to your info.plist
file, update the messages according to your needs. Otherwise your app will crash.
<string>We need to access your camera to take pictures.</string>
<string>We need to access your photo library to save the captured pictures.</string>
import FastCamera, { Methods } from 'react-native-fast-camera';
<FastCamera style={{ height: cameraHeight, width: cameraWidth }}
onSaveSuccess={imageUrl => {
console.log("onSaveSuccess: ", imageUrl);
onGalleryImage={imageUrl => {
console.log("onGalleryImage: ", imageUrl);
onFlashToggle={isflashOn => {
console.log('flash info: ', isflashOn);
{/* here render your buttons to control the camera component */}
| Property | Type | Description |
| onSaveSuccess | Callback | a callback triggered when the image was captured and saved successfully |
| onGalleryImage | Callback | a callback triggered when the image was selected from the user photo library |
| onFlashToggle | Callback | a callback triggered when the flash status change |
| timer | Method | Methods.timer()
a method to show timer UI |
| toggleFlash | Method | Methods.toggleFlash()
a method to toggle flash mode |
| takePicture | Method | Methods.takePicture()
a method to capture a picture |
| pickImage | Method | Methods.pickImage()
a method to pick an image from the photo library |
| flipCamera | Method | Methods.flipCamera()
a method to flip the camera face (front/back) |
- [x] Take a picture.
- [x] Pick an image from photo library.
- [x] Flip camera.
- [x] Flash On/Off mode.
- [x] Add timer.
- [ ] Add Android support.
- [ ] Add prop to set camera default face (front/back).
- [ ] Export the iOS component as a pod module.
- EVNCamera, used as the base for iOS part.