> React native module to handle Epson ePOS SDK (for now, only Android)
React native module to handle Epson ePOS SDK (for now, only Android)
🚀 Installation
Using npm:
npm i react-native-epson-epos-printer
📖 Documentation
The printing order is sequential and will go according to the payload.
import Printer from 'react-native-epson-epos-printer';
Printer.print(1, '50:57:9C:57:7B:M1', examplePayload)
📋 Commands
| Key | Type | Description |
|link to download the image. Alternatively, the size
tag can be used to indicate the size of the image, by default the size is 187|
|specifies the number of lines to skip. You can also use the text tag with new lines.|
|specifies the number of centered dotted lines. You can also use the centered tag with "------------------------------".|
|centered text.|
|default text positioned to the left and add new line at the end. You can write a paragraph making line breaks with \n to avoid having to add several text tags.|
|write the text to the left without adding a new line. Using new lines can cause unexpected problems, to use a new line better use the text tag.|
|write the text to the right without adding a new line. left and right can be used in combination, when combined a new line will be added by default. Example:{ "left": "Celggar:", "right": "$33,024.01"}.
|print a barcode. default (BARCODE_CODE93). Barcode Types|
📋 Barcode types
| Barcode | Value |
💻 Example Payload
"image": ""
"line": 1
"centered": "Celggar Company"
"centered": "RUC 777-136-113133 DV 02"
"centered": "Capellanía"
"centered": "Express line 236-5555"
"line": 2
"text": "RUC/CIP: C-8-330124"
"text": "SOCIAL: TODD MULLINS - 8733212"
"line": 2
"text": "INVOICE: 0-00000002401\nDOCUMENTO ERP: ACM1PT\nSUCURSAL: Capellanía - Principal\nSELLER: Celggar WEB\n NAME: Celggar"
"line": 3
"centered": "FECHA: 11/09/2020 HORA: 8:47"
"barcode": "0-0000039242",
"type": 9
"text": "COMMAND"
"dotted": 2
"text": "2.0 x $4.99"
"text": "C000056297 Abono orgánico humus 40lb $9.98 1.0 x 10.99"
"text": "C000056298 Rodillo para pintar $9.98 1.0 x 10.99"
"text": "C000056299 Leche 40lb $9.98 1.0 x 10.99"
"text": "C000007394 COSTO DE ENVÍO (ACARREO) $7.95"
"left": "SUBTOTAL:",
"right": "$109.10"
"left": "DISCOUNT:",
"right": "$0.0"
"dotted": 1
"left": "SUBTOTAL (again):",
"right": "$109.10"
"left": "EXEMPT:",
"right": "$0.00"
"left": "GRAVABLE:",
"right": "$109.10"
"left": "I.T.B.M.S (7%):",
"right": "$5.38"
"left": "TOTAL:",
"right": "$114.48"
"left": "PUNTOS C:",
"right": "$7.83"
"left": "CAMBIO:",
"right": "$0"
"dotted": 2
"dotted": 1
"text": "Panamá, Coclé, Capellanía, Lex Luthor Tower, Apto ACM1PT 01A Calle Justice League - cerca de la cueva de Batman"
"text": "EMAIL: [email protected]"
"text": "PHONE: 236-5555"