`CheckBoxGroup` is not just a checkbox, it is a Grouped checkbox ===
is not just a checkbox, it is a Grouped checkbox
npm install react-native-checkboxgroup
this lib only expose one default component called CheckBoxGroup
, it treats each child as an checkbox option.
it self also has a feature to toggle all the options at a time.
the typical usage is the shopping cart like Tmall or JD.
below is the example:
import CheckBoxGroup from "react-native-checkboxgroup"
<Text key="B">this is a simplest checkbox item</Text>
<View key="CC">
this is more complex checkbox item
<CustomComp key="BBB">also any custom UI can be a checkbox item</CustomComp>
in this example there are 3 checkbox options in one group .each option has an interactive indicator telling whether it is selected or not .
The indicator is highly customizable, also the layout of the item is customizable by rowTemplate
indicator by default is on/off
| ⬛️ | here is the group title |----------> title Bar is consist of the title and indicator
| ⬛️ | this is a simplest checkbox item |-----> option item is consist of the indicator and a child ui
| ⬛️ | this is more complex checkbox item |
| ⬛️ | also any custom UI can be a checkbox item |
| here is the group footer |----------> pure UI element no check box available, for tips purpose
***all children in CheckBoxGroup tag MUST have the
property ,it reuse thekey
props of react as the item'sid
, it tells who is selected. But there is one exception ,that is the outermostCheckBoxGroup
, it useidentifier
as theid
prop but it is optional ***
the Nested
***extends all the customizable props of the fatherCheckBoxGroup
by default ,so it means plz do config on top levelCheckBoxGroup
***it also support radio mode ,under this mode plz don't nest
too deep, more then 2 depth is not predictable .
|identifier?: string;||the id of the outermost CheckBoxGroup |
|mode?:"RadioGroupMode"||switch on the radio mode ,the toggle
api of CheckBoxGroup
doesn't work of under this mode ,it makes sense, also the indicator of the group is not visible|
|isGroupTitleBarVisiable?:boolean;||should show the title bar of the group ,default true
|renderTitle?:()=>React.ReactElement;||customize the title of the group |
|renderCheckBox?: (isSelected: boolean) => ReactElement;||customize the indicator UI|
|rowTemplate?: (checkbox: ReactElement, item: React.ReactNode,key:string) => ReactElement;||customize the layout of one option item,PARAMS=> checkbox
the customized indicator rendered by renderCheckBox
if exist, or on/off by default ,PARAMS=>item
the child ui (UI in CheckBoxGroup
:the id of the option item|
|onChange?:(k:SelectedStatus)=>void;||the select status (include the nested childrens' status) changed by user |
|Method| Desc |
|getSelectedValue(isFilterFalse:boolean=true):SelectedStatus|use this to get the group status manually,by default
it only return the selected option items,by setting isFilterFalse
to false to get all option status no matter selected or not|
|toggle(trueOrFalse?:boolean): void;|select all or deselect all option of a group
|Case|Code|Gif| |---|---|---| |simple Exam| SimpleExample| |Nest Group Exam |SimpleNestExample| |Customize Group Exam| CustomizeExample| |Add/Del option Item Dynamic Exam|DynamicItemExample| |Radio Mode Eaxm|RadioGroupMode|