>**Note**: I am a newbie in React Native. Here is my frist package which I publish to npm. If it make you waste your time, please dont blame me. I hope to disscuss about any the problem with you. Thank you !!!
How to use react-native-chart-tnbt
Getting Started
Note: I am a newbie in React Native. Here is my frist package which I publish to npm. If it make you waste your time, please dont blame me. I hope to disscuss about any the problem with you. Thank you !!!
This package is for Android
You can clone this repo to test package.
npx react-native start
In the App.tsx, I have some data for test, you can use it if need.
Installation using npm
npm i react-native-chart-tnbt
1. PieChart
Import to your component
import {PieChart} from "react-native-chart-tnbt"
if typescript gives the error, you can try to create file name react-native-chart-tnbt.d.ts
// file react-native-chart-tnbt.d.ts
declare module "react-native-chart-tnbt"
typeNo = 1
typeNo = 2
Available props
interface PieChartProps {
typeNo?: number; // default: 1 or option 2
data: DataInput[];
duration?: number; // default: 2000ms
mainPie?: {
size?: number; // default: 280
strokeWidth?: number; // default: 15
decorPie?: {
sizeDecorCircular: number;
strokeWidthDecorCircular: number;
seperateSlice: boolean;
opacityDecorCircular: number; // Value 0-1
annotation?: boolean;
logoData?: CryptoLogoPNG;
logoSize?: number;
colorCustomList?: string[]
animations?: {
clockwiseDirection: string; // option "clockwise" or 'counter_clockwise'
Table list props
| Name | Type | Default | Description | |-----------------------|------------|---------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | typyNo | number | 1 | Type of pie chart | | data | DataInput[]| no | Data to pass to the pie chart | | duration | number | 2000 | Time for animation to run | | mainPie | | | Parameter to create the main circle chart | | size | number | 280 | The size of the view box | | strokeWidth | number | 15 | The size of the stroke for the circle | | decorPie | | | Parameter to create a second circle for decorating the main circle | | sizeDecorCircular | number | 150 | The size of the second circle | | strokeWidthDecorCircular | number | 25 | The size of the stroke for the second circle | | separateSlice | boolean | true | Creates clear lines to cut graph pieces | | opacityDecorCircular | number | 0.5 | Adds opacity for the circle decor | | annotation | boolean | false | Adds a note for each fund | | logoSize | number | 35 | The size for inserting a logo in annotations or each slice | | colorCustomList | string[] | see below| The size for inserting a logo in annotations or each slice | | clockwiseDirection | string | clockwise or counter_clockwise | Direction of rotation of the circle |
interface DataInput {
title: string;
value: number;
How to use
const dataInput = [
title: 'Gold',
value: 23900.52,
title: 'USD',
value: 11100,
size: 280,
strokeWidth: 15
clockwiseDirection: 'clockwise', // counter_clockwise or clockwise
sizeDecorCircular: 150,
strokeWidthDecorCircular: 25,
seperateSlice: true,
opacityDecorCircular: 0.5,
annotation: true,
Declare logo like this component
interface CryptoLogos {
[key: string]: {uri: string};
const BTC = require('./PNG/btc.png');
const ETH = require('./PNG/eth.png');
const Crypto_Logo_PNG: CryptoLogos = {
export default Crypto_Logo_PNG;
** Note: The key for the logo must to the same with the title.
const dataInput = [{
title: 'BTC',
value: 23900.52,
const Crypto_Logo_PNG: CryptoLogos = {
The title "BTC" have to equal the key of object logo "BTC" in this case.
Add your favorite colors
// default color
const colorCustomList = [
If you not pass this data or your data is large, the code will auto create random color.
I will try to build more type of chart.
Congratulations! :tada:
You've successfully run and modified this package. :partying_face: