Cross platform Braintree module
An effort to update Use Braintree Android SDK V3 & IOS V4, with 3DS 2.
Required RN 0.60+ for auto linking on iOS.
- Currency as a parameter
Run yarn install react-native-braintree-custom-ui
This plugin uses only Tokenization Key for initialisation ( Put your serverUrl where the plugin will be able to make a GET request and get the token from your server
var BTClient = require('react-native-braintree-custom-ui');
You will need the CardinalMobile.framework for 3DS 2 ( You can easily download it with that command
curl -L -ubraintree-team-sdk@cardinalcommerce:220cc9476025679c4e5c843666c27d97cfb0f951 "" -o
For Android you will need to add this to you build.gradle
repositories {
maven {
url ""
credentials {
username 'braintree-team-sdk@cardinalcommerce'
password '220cc9476025679c4e5c843666c27d97cfb0f951'
Get Card Nonce
If you only want to tokenize credit card information, you can use the following:
const card = {
number: "4111111111111111",
expirationDate: "10/20", // or "10/2020" or any valid date
cvv: "400",
BTClient.getCardNonce(card).then(function(nonce) {
//payment succeeded, pass nonce to server
.catch(function(err) {
//error handling
// Full list of card parameters:
type Card = {
number: string,
cvv: string,
expirationDate: string,
cardholderName: string,
firstName: string,
lastName: string,
company: string,
countryName: string,
countryCodeAlpha2: string,
countryCodeAlpha3: string,
countryCodeNumeric: string,
locality: string,
postalCode: string,
region: string,
streetAddress: string,
extendedAddress: string,
amount: number
Check 3D Secure for card nonce
If you only want to tokenize credit card information, you can use the following:
const params = {
BTClient.check3DSecure(params).then(function(nonce) {
//payment succeeded, pass nonce to server
.catch(function(err) {
//error handling
// Full list of card parameters:
type Params = {
nonce: string
firstName: string,
lastName: string,
locality: string,
postalCode: string,
region: string,
streetAddress: string,
extendedAddress: string,
amount: number
## PayPal Checkout
This plugin implements Paypal Checkout
You will need to provide an amount to make it works
BTClient.showPayPalViewController(<amount>).then(function(nonce) {
//payment succeeded, pass nonce to server
.catch(function(err) {
//error handling
One Touch on iOS
To take advantage of One Touch, there are additional setup required:
- Register a URL scheme in Xcode (should always start with YOUR Bundle ID) More info here TL;DR
Add CFBundleURLTypes to Info.Plist
If your app is built using iOS 9 as its Base SDK, then you must add URLs to a whitelist in your app's info.plist
For iOS: Use setupWithURLScheme instead, passing the url scheme you have registered in previous step
Add this delegate method (callback) to your AppDelegate.m
#import "RCTBraintree.h"
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
openURL:(NSURL *)url
options:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey,id> *)options {
return [[RCTBraintree sharedInstance] application:application openURL:url options:options];
Big thanks to @kraffslol for the original ios & android modules.