Baidu Map SDK modules and views for React Native(Android & iOS), support react native 0.61+. 百度地图 React Native 模块,支持 react native 0.61+,已更新到最新的百度地图 SDK 版本。
1.0.x 分支:react-native-baidu-map-old
- master:支持 react-native 0.61 及以上版本,Android 使用 androidx
- 1.0.x:支持 react-native 0.60 及 0.50,Android 未使用 androidx
Baidu Map SDK modules and views for React Native(Android & iOS), support react native 0.61.2+
百度地图 React Native 模块。
使用百度地图SDK最新版本。 Android 版导入的 SDK 包含以下模块:
- 基础定位
- 基础地图(含室内图)
- 检索功能、LBS云检索
- 计算工具
近期 TODO:
- 完善坐标转换
- 添加一些常用的方法
- 完善坐标标转换
- 完善 Cluster(点聚合)
- 添加一些常用的方法
Marker icon 的实现参考了 的相关代码。
Dev & Test 开发和测试说明
react-native doesn't support symlinks. see Can't install local package by using npm link
react-native 不支持软链,参考: 所以不能使用 npm link 的方式安装本地的包
Environments 环境要求
- node: 12+
- react-native: 0.50.+ 2.Android
- Android SDK: api 28+
- gradle: 4.10.1
- Android Studio: 3.1.3+
- XCode: 11.3+
AndroidManifest.xml 设置
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
application 下添加名为 的 meta,如
android:value="uDRdqQMGQeoPGn5CwMmIYicdUIVv1YST" />
使用 BaiduMapManager.initSDK 方法设置 api key,如
import { BaiduMapManager } from 'react-native-baidu-map'
Usage 使用方法
import { MapView, MapTypes, Geolocation, Overlay, MapApp } from 'react-native-baidu-map'
MapView Props 属性
| Prop | Type | Default | Description | ----------------------- |:-----:| :-------:| ------- | zoomControlsVisible | bool | true | Android only | trafficEnabled | bool | false | | baiduHeatMapEnabled | bool | false | | zoomGesturesEnabled | bool | true | 允许手势缩放 | scrollGesturesEnabled | bool | true | 允许拖动 | mapType | number| 1 | | zoom | number| 10 | | showsUserLocation | bool | false | 是否显示定位 | locationData | object| null | 定位信息 {latitude: 0, longitude: 0} | center | object| null | {latitude: 0, longitude: 0} | onMapStatusChangeStart | func | undefined| Android only | onMapStatusChange | func | undefined| | onMapStatusChangeFinish | func | undefined| Android only | onMapLoaded | func | undefined| | onMapClick | func | undefined| | onMapDoubleClick | func | undefined| | onMarkerClick | func | undefined| | onMapPoiClick | func | undefined|
Overlay 覆盖物
const { Marker, Cluster, Arc, Circle, Polyline, Polygon, InfoWindow, HeatMap } = Overlay;
Marker Props 属性
| Prop | Type | Default | Description | ----------------------- |:-----:| :-------:| ------- | title | string| null | 如果没有 InfoWindow,将会根据 title 生成 InfoWindow | titleOffsetY | int | -80 | title 作为 InfoWindow 展示的 y 轴偏移量,仅 Android | location | object| {latitude: 0, longitude: 0} | | perspective | bool | null | 仅 Android | flat | bool | null | 仅 Android | rotate | float | 0 | 旋转角度,仅 Android | icon | any | null | icon图片,同 的 source 属性 | alpha | float | 1 | 透明度,仅 Android | animateType | string| | 动画效果:drop/grow/jump (iOS 仅支持 drop) | pinColor | string| red | red/green/purple,大头针颜色,仅 iOS | onClick | func | | 点击事件回调
Cluster 点聚合
Arc Props 属性
| Prop | Type | Default | Description | ----------------------- |:-----:| :-------:| ------- | stroke | width| {width: 5, color: 'AA000000'} | | points | array| [{latitude: 0, longitude: 0}, {latitude: 0, longitude: 0}, {latitude: 0, longitude: 0}] | 数值长度必须为 3 | dash | bool | false | 是否为虚线,仅 iOS
Circle Props 属性
| Prop | Type | Default | Description | ----------------------- |:-----:| :-------:| ------- | radius | int | 1400 | | fillColor | string| 000000FF | | stroke | object| {width: 5, color: 'AA000000'} | | center | object| {latitude: 0, longitude: 0} |
Polyline Props 属性
| Prop | Type | Default | Description | ----------------------- |:-----:| :-------:| ------- | points | array | [{latitude: 0, longitude: 0}] | | stroke | object| {width: 5, color: 'AA000000'} |
Polygon Props 属性
| Prop | Type | Default | Description | ----------------------- |:-----:| :-------:| ------- | points | array | [{latitude: 0, longitude: 0}] | | fillColor | string| AAFFFF00 | | stroke | object| {width: 5, color: 'AA00FF00'} |
Text Props 属性
| Prop | Type | Default | Description | ----------------------- |:-----:| :-------:| ------- | text | string| | | fontSize | int | | | fontColor | string| | | bgColor | string| | | rotate | float | | | location | object|{latitude: 0, longitude: 0}
MarkerIcon 使用 View 作为 marker 的 icon
InfoWindow Props 属性
必须作为 Marker 的子组件
| Prop | Type | Default | Description | ----------------------- |:-----:| :-------:| ------- | offsetY | int | 0 | 相对于 point 在 y 轴的偏移量,仅 Android
HeatMap Props 属性
| Prop | Type | Default | Description | ----------------------- |:-----:| :-------:| ------- | points | array | | | gradient | object| { colors: ['66FF00', 'FF0000'], startPoints: [0.2, 1.0] } | 颜色渐变对象
<InfoWindow style={{ backgroundColor: 'red', width: 200, height: 100}}>
<View />
<MarkerIcon style={{ backgroundColor: 'red', width: 40, height: 40}}>
<Arc />
<Circle />
<Polyline />
<Polygon />
<HeatMap />
Marker 示例
<Overlay.Marker rotate={45} icon={{ uri: '' }} location={{ longitude: 113.975453, latitude: 22.510045 }} />
<Overlay.Marker location={{ longitude: 113.969453, latitude: 22.530045 }} />
Cluster 示例
<Marker location={{ longitude: 113.969453, latitude: 22.530045 }} />
<Marker location={{ longitude: 113.968453, latitude: 22.531045 }} />
<Marker location={{ longitude: 113.967453, latitude: 22.532045 }} />
<Marker location={{ longitude: 113.966453, latitude: 22.533045 }} />
<Marker location={{ longitude: 113.965453, latitude: 22.534045 }} />
<Marker location={{ longitude: 113.965453, latitude: 22.535045 }} />
| Method | Description | Result | ------------------------- | ---------------- | ------- | void initSDK(string apiKey) | iOS 初始化 SDK | | Promise hasLocationPermission | 是否有定位权限 |
Geolocation Methods
| Method | Description | Result
| ------------------------- | ---------------- | -------
| Promise reverseGeoCode(double lat, double lng) | | {"address": "", "province": "", "cityCode": "", "city": "", "district": "", "streetName": "", "streetNumber": ""}
| Promise reverseGeoCodeGPS(double lat, double lng) | | {"address": "", "province": "", "cityCode": "", "city": "", "district": "", "streetName": "", "streetNumber": ""}
| Promise geocode(String city, String addr) | | {"latitude": 0.0, "longitude": 0.0}
| Promise getCurrentPosition(String coorType) | coorType 可为 bd09ll
或 gcj02
,默认 bd09ll
|{"latitude": 0.0, "longitude": 0.0, "address": "", "province": "", "cityCode": "", "city": "", "district": "", "streetName": "", "streetNumber": ""}
Android: {"latitude": 0.0, "longitude": 0.0, "direction": -1, "altitude": 0.0, "radius": 0.0, "address": "", "countryCode": "", "country": "", "province": "", "cityCode": "", "city": "", "district": "", "street": "", "streetNumber": "", "buildingId": "", "buildingName": ""}
| startLocating(function listener, String coorType) | 开始持续定位 |
| stopLocating | 停止持续定位 |
GetDistance Methods
| Method | Result
| ------------------------- | -------
| Promise getLocationDistance({latitude: 0.0, longitude: 0.0}, {latitude: 0.0, longitude: 0.0}) | {"distance": 0.0}
MapApp Methods 调起百度地图客户端
| Method | Description | ------------------------- | ------- | openDrivingRoute({latitude: 0.0, longitude: 0.0, name: ''}, {latitude: 0.0, longitude: 0.0}, name: '') | 调起百度地图驾车规划 | openTransitRoute({latitude: 0.0, longitude: 0.0, name: ''}, {latitude: 0.0, longitude: 0.0}, name: '') | 调起百度地图公交路线 | openWalkNavi({latitude: 0.0, longitude: 0.0, name: ''}, {latitude: 0.0, longitude: 0.0}, name: '') | 调起百度地图步行路线
必须在 Info.plist 中进行如下配置,否则不能调起百度地图客户端