Utils to manage your React Children; find and filter children by type or custom function, enforce child content, and more!
Utils to manage your React Children; find and filter children by type or custom function, enforce child content, and more!
react-nanny doesn't have any dependencies. However, it does have a peer dependency of "react": ">=16.0.0" which you most likely satisfy if you're the kind of person who's looking for utils for React children.
import React from 'react';
import { getChildrenByType, getChildren } from 'react-nanny';
import Item from './Item';
export const ToDoList ({ children }) => {
// Get all children of type Item
const items = getChildrenByType(children, [Item]);
// Find all incomplete and complete Items
const incomplete = getChildren(items, child => !child.props.completed);
const completed = getChildren(items, child => child.props.completed);
return (
<h3>To Do</h3>
Click on each function name for details and examples
import { getChildByType } from 'react-nanny';
import MyComponent from './MyComponent';
getChildByType(children, [MyComponent]);
import { getChildByType, removeChildrenByType } from 'react-nanny';
import MyComponent from './MyComponent';
const child = getChildByType(children, [MyComponent]);
removeChildrenByType(children, [child]);
import { getChildByType, removeChildrenByType, typeOfComponent } from 'react-nanny';
import MyComponent from './MyComponent';
const child = getChildByType(children, [MyComponent]);
removeChildrenByType(children, [typeOfComponent(child)]);
import { getChildByType } from 'react-nanny';
getChildByType(children, ['div']);
import React from 'react';
const Hello = ({ __TYPE }) => <div>Hello World!</div>;
Hello.defaultProps = {
__TYPE: 'Hello',
import { getChildByType } from 'react-nanny';
getChildByType(children, ['Hello']);
import { getChildByType } from 'react-nanny';
getChildByType(children, ['Hello'], { customTypeKey: 'CUSTOM' });
For more information on how to enforce the integrity of the customTypeKey, check out my Medium article: Find & Filter React Children By Type
Within the module you'll find the following directories and files:
package.json -- history of changes to the module -- this file
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└───index.d.ts - 614 Bytes
└───index.js - 1.75 KB
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└───types.js - 79 Bytes
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└───types.js - 12 Bytes
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└───utils.js - 700 Bytes