React JS component for multi-select field with checkboxes
React Component for multi-select field with checkboxes
This package allows you to have a component for multiple select field which has checkboxes before each option. This package is very easy to use and let you customise the style whatever you want.
npm i react-multi-checkbox-select
Importing the required files
import 'react-multi-checkbox-select/lib/multi-checkbox-select.css'
;import MultiCheckboxSelect from 'react-multi-checkbox-select';
Example usage
onChange={(name, isChecked, selectedValue, selectedValues) => {
//name is the name of the field passed using name property
//isChecked decides if the checkbox clicked was selected or not
//selected value is the value of the checkbox that was clicked
//selectedValues is the array of the values of all the checked checkboxes including the new ones
selectedMultiCheckboxesSelectValues: selectedValues
onRemove={(name, valueToBeRemoved, selectedValuesAfterRemoving) => {
//name is the name of the field passed using name property
//valueToBeRemoved is the value that was just removed
//selectedValuesAfterRemoving is the array of values of all the selected values
selectedMultiCheckboxesSelectValues: selectedValuesAfterRemoving
onClose={() => {
//on some occasions, you might want to detect when the dropdown is clsoed for example, the dropdown is closed when the user click on the screen outside of the fied
onOpen={() => {
//this will be called when the select dropdown is opened
defaultText={"Select countries"}
Using custom checkboxes
Sometimes, you might want to use you own components for the checkboxes. You can do so by using the customCheckedCheckbox and customUncheckedCheckbox props.
customCheckedCheckbox={<CheckedCheckboxComponent />}
customUncheckedCheckbox={<UncheckedCheckboxComponent />}
Note: you need to provide both props, customCheckedCheckbox and customUncheckedCheckbox if you are using custom components for the checkboxes.
This is what it looks like after some basic customising on the CSS. You can style it to look like to whatever you want.
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Props/ Attributes
- "Name for the field which will be used when you submit the form to the server."values
- "Currently selected array of values. Format -[1, 2, 3]
- "Label that will be displayed when there is no option selected yet."options
- "Options for the select field. The type must be array in this format,[ { value: 1, label: 'Myanmar' }, { value: 2, label: 'England' } ]
- "This will be triggered each time a checkbox has been ticked or un-ticked."onRemove
- "This will be triggered each time a selected item has been removed."onClose
- "This will be triggered when the select dropdown is closed."
The followinggs are all the props and callbacks
MultiCheckboxSelect.propTypes = {
id: PropTypes.string,
name: PropTypes.string,
className: PropTypes.string,
options: PropTypes.array,
values: PropTypes.array,
defaultText: PropTypes.string,
onChange: PropTypes.func,
onRemove: PropTypes.func,
onOpen: PropTypes.func,
onClose: PropTypes.func