Generate a form from Mongoose Metadata
Work with mongoose model. On your api, create a route 'metadata' for a given model :
// First of all, import the module
const path = require('path')
const Metadata = require('mongoose-metadata')
// Load Models
Metadata.loadModels(path.join(__dirname, './models'))
// Let's use a model pet
// We need to use the meta middleware : Metadata.meta('<modelName>')
app.get('/pets/metadata', Metadata.meta('Pet'))
Disabled fields
By default not all kind of field will be displayed on client side. Here is the list of disabled fields :
- __v
- _id
- created_at
- updated_at
So, for those fields, you would not get a form input client side.
Model Options
In the mongoose model :
let petSchema = new Schema({
name : {type: String, required: true, placeholder: "Name of the animal"},
kind : {
type: String,
enum: ['Lion', 'Cat', 'Dog', 'Rabbit', 'Bird', 'Duck'],
placeholder: "Type of animal" // Placeholder
description : {
type: String,
placeholder: "Enter the description",
forceField: "textarea" // Force generation of a textarea instead of a input type text
weight : {type: Number},
vaccined : {type: Boolean},
created_at : {type: Date, default:},
updated_at : {type: Date}
module.exports = mongoose.model('Pet', petSchema)
List of field types
- Text
// In mongoose model
let petSchema = new Schema({
name : {
type: String,
required: true,
placeholder: "Nom de l'animal"
- Numeric
// In mongoose model
let petSchema = new Schema({
weight : { type: Number }
- type: Boolean, checkbox
// In mongoose model
let petSchema = new Schema({
weight : { type: Number }
- Enum : displays select input as default
// In mongoose model
let petSchema = new Schema({
kind : {
type: String,
enum: ['Lion', 'Cat', 'Dog', 'Rabbit', 'Bird', 'Duck'],
placeholder: "Type"
- Textarea
// In mongoose model
let petSchema = new Schema({
description : {
type: String,
forceField: "textarea"
- Radio
// In mongoose model
let petSchema = new Schema({
kind : {
type: String,
enum: ['Lion', 'Cat', 'Dog', 'Rabbit', 'Bird', 'Duck'],
placeholder: "Type",
forceField: "radio"
- Foreign Key
Create multiple forms
// First of all, import the module
const Metadata = require('/path/to/metadata.js')
// Add meta fields
// Here, we disabled kind and vaccined fields
app.get('/pets/meta_add', Metadata.meta('Pet', { filter: ['kind', 'vaccined'] }))
// Edit meta fields
// Here, we disabled name field
app.get('/pets/meta_edit', Metadata.meta('Pet', { filter: ['name'] }))
That's it for the API.
Now on the client side react project :
Add Form
import FormMaker from '../Forms/formMaker'
// Now in the render
render() {
return <FormMaker
title="Add a Pet"
onSubmit={ (values)=>{ console.log(values) } }
onCancel={ ()=>{ console.log('cancel callback') } } />
// Now you can handle each action submit and cancel by binding your callback here
Edit Form
import FormMaker from '../Forms/formMaker'
// Now in the render
// We just have to set values and data, will be matched automatically
render() {
return <FormMaker
title="Add a Pet"
name: "Toto",
vaccined: true,
kind: "Cat"
onSubmit={ (values)=>{ console.log(values) } }
onCancel={ ()=>{ console.log('cancel callback') } } />
Customize style
Each element got a customizable Css style or caption, look in www/src/Forms/formStyles
, by default we use Bootstrap 4 classes.