An easy-to-use and classic javascript React modal, that allows you to pop out “one modal at a time” in your React App.
React Modal Classic
An easy-to-use and classic javascript React modal, that allows you to pop out “one modal at a time” in your React App. See it in action here.
Why this module?
This module can be used for your basic modal needs, like:
- showing a confirmation message
- collecting informations with a form
- showing a login form
- visualize a media
- getting informations on a specific element…
It can show every content you need, following this idea: “one modal at a time”… which means, that you can't open more than one modal at the same time in the viewport.
How to install?
This module can be installed from npm using this command line:
npm i react-modal-classic
Your React projet should run with these dependencies:
- Styled Components (version ≥6.0.4)
- React (version ≥18.0.0)
- React Dom (version ≥18.0.0)
How to use?
1- Set the modal context provider:
This modal runs with the Context API of React, so your first task is to set the ModalProvider component in your application.
Case 1: If your application use React Router library, and you want to be able to use the NavLink component in your modal content, ModalProvider should be set inside the BrowserRouter component.
import { BrowserRouter, Routes } from "react-router-dom"
import { ModalProvider } from "react-modal-classic"
function Router(){
return (
{/* ... */}
export default Router
Case 2: Else, you don't need router components in your modal contents, you can just set the ModalProvider component in main.jx:
import React from "react"
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client"
import { ModalProvider } from "react-modal-classic"
import App from "./App"
<App />
2- Open the modal with a function:
Now, you can launch the modal everywhere in your app, directly from a function named openModal(), by setting the content of the modal as a parameter. The openModal() function has to be imported from ModalContext, that you have previously set with the ModalProvider component.
import React, { useContext } from "react"
import { ModalContext } from "react-modal-classic"
import ModalContent from "./components/ModalContent"
const App = () => {
const { openModal } = useContext(ModalContext)
return (
<Button onClick={() => openModal(<ModalContent/>)}>Open modal</Button>
export default App
3- Add a callback function when closing modal:
You can pass a callback function as a parameter in the the openModal() function. This function triggers when the user close the modal, and is optional.
import React, { useContext } from 'react'
import styled from "styled-components"
import { ModalContext } from './lib/ModalContext'
import ModalContent from './components/ModalContent'
const App = () => {
const { openModal } = useContext(ModalContext)
const onCloseCallback = (name) => {console.log("Hello " + name)}
return (
<Button onClick={() => openModal(<ModalContent/>, () => onCloseCallback("Robin!"))}>Open modal</Button>
export default App
4- Customize the look of your modals:
a- Options by default
Right from the box, the modal component is set with these default options:
const defaultOptions = {
closeButton: "out", // has to be "out", "in" or "none"
closeButtonColor: "#fff", // should be a color value "red", "rgba(255,0,0,0.5)", "#242424"…
size: "md", // has to be "sm", "md", "lg", "xl"
backgroundColor: "#fff", // should be a color value "pink", "rgba(120,120,120,0.8)", "#242424"…
radius: "6px" // should be a size value "5px", "0.5rem"…
b- Set different options in the function
You can pass options as a parameter object in the openModal() function. It can be usefull if you have different kinds of contents in your app that need to be shown in a modal. This is optional. Here are two examples:
import React, { useContext } from "react"
import { ModalContext } from "react-modal-classic"
import ModalContentForm from "./components/ModalContentForm"
import ModalContentMedia from "./components/ModalContentMedia"
const App = () => {
const { openModal } = useContext(ModalContext)
const modalFormOptions = { closeButton: "in", backgroundColor: "#999", size: "md" }
const modalMediaOptions = { closeButton: "none", size: "xl", radius: "none" }
const onCloseCallback = (name) => {console.log("Hello " + name)}
return (
<button onClick={() => openModal(<ModalContentForm/>, modalFormOptions)}>Open a form</button>
<button onClick={() => openModal(<ModalContentMedia/>, () => onCloseCallback("Robin!"), modalMediaOptions)}>Open a media</button>
export default App
Note that in the second example, it is possible to use 3 parameters in the openModal() function :
- the content as a JSX component (required)
- a callback function that triggers when user close the modal (optional)
- an object that defines styles of the modal (optional)
5- Close the modal
Modal can be closed by :
- clicking the close button (close icon at the top right corner of the modal)
- clicking somewhere in the background
- pressing the escape key of your keyboard
Note that if your application requires a function to close the modal, you can import it from ModalContext to do so:
import React, { useContext } from 'react'
import { ModalContext } from "react-modal-classic"
function ModalContent(){
const { closeModal } = useContext(ModalContext)
return (
<p>This React modal is based on a component and a context provider.<br/>
<button onClick={closeModal}>Close</button>
export default ModalContent
This module is available under MIT licence, feel free to use it in your React web projects.