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A React component renders an interactive navbar panel of Markdown docs for your blog or website.
A update version of Markdown-navbar,clean the unreasonable code, support the hash mode route
Implement some regular functions easily by using this component, such as:
- Display the structure tree of your article defined by the headings.
- Render anchors that navigate to specific headings in the article.
- Share one URL to readers to navigate to a specific area of the article.
yarn add react-markdown-navbar # or `npm i react-markdown-navbar --save`
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
// One third-part component for render markdown documentation
import ReactMarkdown from "react-markdown";
import MarkdownNavbar from "react-markdown-navbar";
// The default style of markdown-navbar should be imported additionally
import "react-markdown-navbar/dist/style.css";
const article = `# Markdown-Navbar Demo
## Chicken Chicken
Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken.
* Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken.
* Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken.
* Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken.
### Chicken Chicken Chicken
Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken.
#### Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken
Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken.`;
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<div className="article">
<ReactMarkdown source={article} />
<div className="navigation">
<MarkdownNavbar source={article} />
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
- The component only parses article headings at level 2 and below. The article title, which is usually used once in an article, will not appear in the navigation bar.
- The component needs to be used in conjunction with your article content. When using this component, you must ensure that your article under the same page content.
- Please confirm that every heading of your markdown document is different by each other when the value of property
is setted astrue
| Property | Data Type | Default Value | Description |
| :--------------: | :-------: | :-------------------------------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
| className | string | "" | The className that defines the outermost container of navbar |
| source | string | "" | Markdown text content |
| headingTopOffset | number | 0 | Anchor displacement relative to the top of the window (for the anchor jump) |
| updateHashAuto | boolean | false | Automatically update the hash value of browser address when page scrolling if true |
| hashMode | boolean | false | enable this attr to support the hash value of browser detection when SPA do not use the hash mode routes |
| declarative | boolean | false | Use the text of the title from Markdown content as the hash value for the anchor if true |
| container | node | window | the container of scroll bar,use the dom of ref instance(ref.current or callback ref) |
| ordered | boolean | true | Whether the title contains a numerical prefix, such as: 1. 2. 2.2
| behavior | string | "auto" | the behavior of scroll event |
| onNavItemClick | function | (event, element, hashValue) => {} | The event callback function after clicking navbar item |
| onHashChange | function | (newHash, oldHash) => {} | The event callback function before the hash value of browser address changing |