This package provides a minimap control for Mapbox GL or Maplibre GL maps. The minimap displays a smaller version of the main map, highlighting a portion of the view with a tracking rectangle. The minimap can be customized, moved, and resized based on you
Mapbox Minimap Control
This package provides a minimap control for Mapbox GL or Maplibre GL maps. The minimap displays a smaller version of the main map, highlighting a portion of the view with a tracking rectangle. The minimap can be customized, moved, and resized based on your needs.
Live Demo
You can check out the live version of this package here:
Next.js Minimal Mapbox with minimap - Live Demo
npm i react-mapbox-minimap
In your Mapbox or Maplibre GL project, you can add the minimap control as follows:
import Minimap from 'react-mapbox-minimap';
// Assuming 'map' is your main Mapbox GL map instance
const minimap = new Minimap(mapboxgl, {
width: "320px",
height: "180px",
zoomLevelOffset: -3,
lineColor: "#136a7e",
fillColor: "#d77a34",
toggleDisplay: true,
enableResize: true,
enableMove: true,
Here are the available options you can use to customize the minimap:
(string): The HTMLid
of the minimap container. Default is"mapgl-minimap"
(string): The width of the minimap. Default is"320px"
(string): The height of the minimap. Default is"180px"
(object): The style object for the minimap. It follows the Mapbox GL style format, similar to the main
(array): Initial center coordinates for the minimap. Default is[0, 0]
(number): Adjusts the zoom level of the minimap compared to the main map. Default is-3
(string): The color of the tracking rectangle's outline. Default is"#136a7e"
(number): The thickness of the tracking rectangle's outline. Default is1
(number): The opacity of the tracking rectangle's outline. Default is1
(string): The fill color of the tracking rectangle. Default is"#d77a34"
(number): The opacity of the fill color in the tracking rectangle. Default is0.25
(boolean): Adds a button to collapse/expand the minimap. Default isfalse
(boolean): Enables or disables drag panning in the minimap. Default isfalse
(boolean): Enables or disables zooming via scroll in the minimap. Default isfalse
(boolean): Enables or disables box zoom in the minimap. Default isfalse
(boolean): Enables or disables map rotation via dragging in the minimap. Default isfalse
(boolean): Enables or disables keyboard controls in the minimap. Default isfalse
(boolean): Enables or disables zooming via double-click in the minimap. Default isfalse
(boolean): Enables or disables touch gestures in the minimap. Default isfalse
(boolean): Iftrue
, dragging the tracking rectangle from the minimap does not update the main minimap's bounds until the mouse is released. Default isfalse
(boolean): Allows the user to resize the minimap. Default isfalse
(boolean): Allows the user to move the minimap by dragging it. Default isfalse
map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: mapContainer.current as HTMLDivElement,
style: "mapbox://styles/mapbox/outdoors-v12",
center: [lng, lat],
zoom: zoom,
map.on("load", function () {
const minimap = new Minimap(mapboxgl, {
center: [lng, lat],
style: "mapbox://styles/mapbox/outdoors-v12",
toggleDisplay: true,
zoomLevelOffset: -4,
scrollZoom: true,
disableMinimapMoveOnDrag: true,
enableResize: true,
enableMove: true,
map.addControl(minimap, "bottom-right");
This project is heavily inspired by the original work of Laura Mosher (@lauramosher). The core functionality of this minimap control is based on this excellent work, to which I have added a few additional features and customization options, such as the ability to resize and move the minimap.