Atomic react elements for quick prototyping. This is probably a terrible idea.
Atomic react elements for styling and quick prototyping. This is probably a terrible idea.
$ npm i react-manhattan
quick example
import React from 'react'
import { Flex, TextCentered, TextRight } from 'react-manhattan'
const MyComponent = () =>
<TextRight>This text is so right aligned!</TextRight>
export default MyComponent
Manhattan asks the question "can simple styling needs be easily fulfilled by importing and using a component rather than writing new CSS or styles in JS?"
Under the hood, Manhattan is really just a simple map between an atomic styling declaration and a React component. In general it follows the form
for a CSS declaration:
position: 'absolute'
we get a React component
Heya. Look at me, I'm an absolutely positioned element
which results in a DOM node that looks like
<div style="position: 'absolute'">
Heya. Look at me, I'm an absolutely positioned element
Components generally take the name of the css property value, but
for clarity sometimes part of the css property is included like in the case of <TextCentered>Text</TextCentered>
Manhattan components can also accept other styling props. These get merged with the originating styles. This is mostly for convenience. If you find yourself adding a ton of style properties to a Manhattan element then maybe reconsider using the element. Or not. It's your app, you do you.
<Flex alignItems='center'>
if you're familiar with atomic classnames in css, they help a ton with keeping your css maintainable and make quick prototyping without side effects really easy.
a quick atomic classnames example:
.flex { display: flex; }
/* a simple class for adding a level of margin on the x axis */
.mx1 {
marginLeft: 1em;
marginRight: 1em;
<div class="flex">
<div class="mx1">
My very good content with left and right margin
<div>Some additional very good content</div>
avaliable components
- Border
<Bordered />
<BorderTop />
<BorderBottom />
- Display
<Block />
<Flex />
<None />
- Margin
<M1 />
<Mx1 />
<My1 />
- Position
<Relative />
<Absolute />
<Fixed />
- TextAlignment
<TextLeft />
<TextCentered />
<TextRight />
open questions
Are there enough cases where a single style property (or just one or two classes) is used that using a Manhattan component is worth it. (Positioning contexts seem like a good example of when its particularly useful?)
Since React is built for composition it feels natural to try and nest Manhattan components to achieve a desired style. But obviously this results in un-necessary DOM to achieve the equivelant class based style. Do styling props provide enough of an escape hatch without adding too much complexity?
How can we allow for customization of things like colors and text sizes on a global level?
How much of this is really just a desire to make JSX look nicer by removing styling and className props?
A lot of this is inspired by the work of Brent Jackson, Adam Morse, and Pete Hunt and their projects basscss, tachyons, and jsxtyle respectively.
hello yes I'm looking for more badges?
why is it named Manhattan?
Its a not so clever reference to the Manhattan project. (You probably already knew that)