Advanced & Dynamic Component Styling for React
- ES2015 Classes &
- stateless Components
- server-side rendering
- plugin-based
- developer tools
- Sass-like nesting
- pseudo classes
- media queries
- platform queries
- conditioned styles
- stateful values & selectors
- fallback values
- extending
- vendor prefixing
- CSS, font-face & keyframes API
The documentation contains information on every part of Look including usage guides and API reference.
New to Look? Make sure to check out the the Getting Started guide which provides a full guide on how to use Look. From installation, over configuration and up to even developer tooling.
Table of contents
- Getting Started
- 1.1. Installation
- 1.2. First Component
- 1.3. Stateless Components
- 1.4. Pseudo classes
- 1.5. Media queries
- 1.6. Mixins & Plugins
- 1.7. Fallback values
- 1.8. Vendor prefixes
- 1.9. Server-side rendering
- 1.10. DevTools
- API Reference
- Registry
- Guides
- 4.1. Upgrading Look
- 4.2. Configuring Look
- 4.3. Build your own: Mixin
- 4.4. Build your own: Plugin
- 4.5. Build your own: Prefixer
The syntax is quite similar to Sass and other React styling libraries.
npm install react-look --save
Look ships pseudo class and media query support by default. They're resolved within the StyleSheet.create
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react'
import look, { StyleSheet } from 'react-look'
class Header extends Component {
static defaultProps = { size: 24 };
static propTypes = { size: PropTypes.number.isRequired };
state = { status: 'active' };
render() {
return (
// Styles are basically applied using the `className` property
<header className={styles.header}>
<h1 className={styles.title}>
// generates classNames for each selector
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
header: {
transition: '200ms all linear',
// Use media queries or pseudo classes
// using nested style objects. Those get transformed
// on the fly and can be nested endlessly.
'@media (min-height: 800px)': {
fontSize: 13,
':hover': {
fontSize: 15
// You can also use mixins with the same selector.
// They'll get split intelligently and evaluated on render
'status=active': {
backgroundColor: 'green',
'size>=20': {
backgroundColor: 'pink'
title: {
fontWeight: 800,
// use functions to inject props, state or context values
fontSize: (props, state, context) => props.size * state.zoom
export default look(Header)
Finally you only need to wrap your application with LookRoot.
import { LookRoot, Presets } from 'react-look'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import Header from './Header'
const App = () => <Header title="Hello World" />
<LookRoot config={Presets['react-dom']}>
<App />
Check out the provided examples for some special use cases. See them in action using the demo. You can easily run the examples on your own within the provided demo by just.
git clone --bare
cd react-look
npm install
# run this to actually prepare the modules
npm run build
# run this as a client-side only demo
npm run demo
# run this as a universal demo
npm run demo:universal
Look is licensed under the MIT License. Documentation is licensed under Creative Common License. Created with ♥ by @rofrischmann.