Logger and tracker for React
React event tracker and logger
In your main React script add:
import {AppTracker} from './path/to/react-tracker/src/';
const AppConfig = {
app_data: {
site: 'Proyect Name',
function App(){
return (
<AppTracker {...AppConfig}>
<BrowserRouter basename={'/'}>
<Route exact path="/" component={Main}></Route>
export defautl App;
import WithAppTracker from './path/to/react-tracker/src/';
const AppConfig = {
app_data: {
site: 'Proyect Name',
function App(){
return (
<BrowserRouter basename={'/'}>
<Route exact path="/" component={Main}></Route>
export default WithAppTracker(App, AppConfig);
Now have available yet in all your components the object app_data , you can include more data inside the object and have it available inside all others component where include the logger.
With this config the console.log messages only will be shown if you have the NODE_ENV
Inside your package json in the section scripts add NODE_ENV=development
: If you run other script add the NODE_ENV=development
"scripts": {
"start": "NODE_ENV=development react-scripts start",
Inside the React componenent where you want print messages only include the next config:
import {withLogger} from './path/to/react-tracker/src';
function ExampleComponent(props){
return (
<h1> Hello World!</h1>
export default withLogger(ExampleComponent, {loggerData: {page: 'Example Component'}});
Logs Types
After include the Logger inside the component you have available in props props.log(message ,values ,level_log');
for use it just call the function log
and pass the arguments.
- message: The message that you want print in the web browser console.
- values: You can print objects or any data type supported by Javascript
- level_log: Exists 3 types
, if this value isn´t especified by default takes level_log=info