Lightweight react store built on top of the context API
React Lightweight Store
Statically typed lightweight store for React, built on top of the React's Context API.
npm install react-lightweight-store --save
Basic Usage
The first step is to create a new store, with a typed state:
import { createStore, createAction, createPureAction } from 'react-lightweight-store'
// Type of our state
type State = {
counter: number
value?: string
// We need to define an initial state
const initialState: State = {
counter: 0
// We need to build our store using our initial state
export const {
Store, // The dispatcher
withStore, // High order component to inject the store
connect // Allow to define a mapping with the store
} = createStore(initialState)
// Export some actions on our state
export const actions = {
updateValue: createAction<string, State>((newValue, setState) => {
setState({ value: newValue })
incrementCounter: createPureAction<State>((setState) => {
setState(state => ({ counter: state.counter + 1 }))
Then, we can use this store with a React component:
import { Store, withStore, connect, actions } from './mystore.ts'
// Props of our component
type Props = {
title: string,
counter: number,
value?: string,
onUpdateValue: (newValue: string) => void
onIncrementCounter: () => void
// Define some react component, as usual
class Test extends React.Component<Props, {}> {
render() {
const { title, counter, value, onUpdateValue, onIncrementCounter } = this.props
return (
<h1>{ title }</h1>
<pre>{ value }</pre>
<input type="button" onClick={() => onUpdateValue("foo")} value="Add foo" />
<pre>{ counter }</pre>
<input type="button" onClick={() => onIncrementCounter()} value="Increment counter" />
// We define a mapping from our store to a subtype of the element's props
const mappedProps =
connect((state, dispatch) => ({
counter: state.counter,
value: state.value,
onUpdateValue: (newValue: string) => dispatch(actions.updateValue(newValue)), // Dispatch is provided to dispatch actions to the store
onIncrementCounter: () => dispatch(actions.incrementCounter())
const TestWithStore = withStore(Test, mappedProps)
// Everything is typed, as expected :)
const App = () => (
<TestWithStore title="Hello there" />