A react component providing a multipurpose leaflet map with excellent support for polygons.
A react component providing a multipurpose leaflet map with excellent support for polygons.
Supported React versions
This package exports the MapContainer
component that accepts the following
apikey (string)
Google location API for location search.
center (array/object)
Initial center of the map. Can be provided as
- an array
[ <lat>, <lng> ]
- an object
{ lat: <lat>, lng: <lng> }
- a GeoJSON Point
{ "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ <lat>, <lng> ] }
- a GeoJSON Feature
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { <props> }, "geometry": { <GeoJSON Point> } }
edit (bool)
Enable the draw layer on the map. Required for creating new polygons/points and editing/removing existing polygons/points
features (array)
An array of polygons to be added to the map. Polygons must be a valid GeoJSON Feature with MultiPolygon geometry.
featureValidator (function)
A function that takes a single feature as input and returns an array of error
descriptions (strings) that are appended to the properties.errors
property of
the feature in component state.
height (number)
Pixel height of the map.
iconHTML (string)
HTML to render for map markers
legendComponent (func)
Component to render beneath the map, useful for map legends.
legendProps (object)
Initial props for legend component
maxArea (number)
Maximum area for polygons on the map. If area is exceeded, submit button will be disabled. Measured in sq meters.
onShapeChange (func)
Callback triggered by state change in the container. Debounced at 100ms. Second arg should be an (err, res) callback.
points (array)
An array of points to be added as markers on the map. Points should be provided either as a GeoJSON Point feature (see the feature specification).
remove (bool)
Sets the initial remove state of the component.
style (object)
Style properties to apply to polygon features on the map (see Leaflet docs)
zoom (number)
Inital zoom level of map. (see Leaflet zoom levels)