Connect React to Keycloak
React Keycloak Connect
The KeycloakProvider is a React component that wraps your application and provides authentication and authorization capabilities using Keycloak.
To install the package, run:
npm install keycloak-js react-keycloak-connect
To use the KeycloakProvider, wrap your application with it and pass the required props.
import { KeycloakProvider } from "react-keycloak-connect";
import App from "./App";
import keycloakConfig from "./keycloak.json";
function Root() {
return (
<KeycloakProvider keycloakConfig={keycloakConfig}>
<App />
keycloakConfig: A required object containing Keycloak configuration. You can obtain this object from the Keycloak Admin Console.
initOptions: An optional object containing initialization options for Keycloak.
LoadingComponent: An optional React component that is rendered while Keycloak is initializing.
onTokens: An optional function that is called whenever new tokens are issued. It receives the ID token, refresh token, and access token as arguments.
onEvent: An optional function that is called whenever a Keycloak event is triggered. It receives the event and an error object as arguments.
The KeycloakProvider component provides a KeycloakContext context that contains the following properties and methods:
keycloak: The Keycloak instance.
initialized: A boolean indicating whether Keycloak has finished initializing.
keycloakReady: A boolean indicating whether the user is authenticated.
keycloakProfile: The user's profile information.
login(): A function that logs the user in.
logout(): A function that logs the user out.
updateToken(minValidity): A function that updates the user's access token. It returns a promise that resolves with a boolean indicating whether the token was successfully updated.
refreshToken(minValidity): A function that refreshes the user's access token. It returns a promise that resolves with a boolean indicating whether the token was successfully refreshed.
onTokens(idToken, refreshToken, token): An optional callback function that is called whenever new tokens are issued.
onEvent(event, error): An optional callback function that is called whenever a Keycloak event is triggered.
To access the context, use the useContext hook:
import { useContext } from "react";
import { KeycloakContext } from "./KeycloakProvider";
function MyComponent() {
const { keycloak } = useContext(KeycloakContext);
return (
{keycloak.authenticated ? (
<p>Hello, {keycloak.profile.username}!</p>
) : (
<p>Please log in to continue.</p>
License This project is licensed under the MIT License.