Simple Context menu component for react showing all inherited parents menu with SSR compatibility.
Simple Context menu component for react showing all inherited parents menu with SSR compatibility.
Check the sample here ( sources )
npm i react-inheritable-contextmenu -s
Why another context menu ?
Because none of the existing ones have met my requirements :
- Ability to inherit & include parents context menus
- Possibility to render menu items basing the browser event
- Render menus just in time
- Simple to use
- Simple to animate with css
- Do not break SSR
Version ^2.0.0 only work with React ^18 Use V1.x.x for previous React versions
import { ContextMenu } from "react-inheritable-contextmenu";
// override default rendered comps
// * there is no css builtin, but there is classNames .inContextMenuLayer > .inContextMenu .inContextSubMenu
ContextMenu.DefaultMenuComp = Paper
//ContextMenu.DefaultMenuComp = ( { children } ) =>
// <div className={"contextMenu"}>
// <div>Da menu:</div>
// <hr/>
// {children || ''}
// </div>;
//ContextMenu.DefaultSubMenuComp = ( { children } ) =>
// <>
// <hr/>
// {children || ''}
// <hr/>
// </>;
// add optional cool anims ( choose & add in css any anims in )
ContextMenu.DefaultShowAnim = 'slide-in-blurred-left';
ContextMenu.DefaultHideAnim = 'slide-out-blurred-right';
// set show/hide anims duration (default to 250)
ContextMenu.DefaultAnimDuration = 200;
// Some trigering options ( defaults )
// ContextMenu.DefaultMenuEvent = "contextmenu";
// ContextMenu.shouldUseContextMenu = e => (e.button === 2 && e.buttons !== 4); // Default: don't trigger if right click + middle click
return <div className={ "root" }>
<div>Menu root</div>
Root contextual menu available here
<div className={ "block" }>
another one which inherit the 1st<br/>
<div>Menu 2</div>
<div className={ "block" }>
same using some contextual render fn<br/>
<ContextMenu // show Menu root & menu 2
( e, allMenuComps ) => <div>Menu 2 <i>x:{ e.x } x:{ e.y }</i></div>
<div className={ "block" }>
Without parent's menu<br/>
root // don't show parent's menu
( e, allMenuComps ) => <div>Menu <i>x:{ e.x } x:{ e.y }</i></div>
<div className={ "block" }>
native menu<br/>
native // use natve menu
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License ?
MIT license