Simply add icon SVGs and the react icon factory will manufacture a custom icon component!
React Icon Factory
Simply add icon SVGs and the react icon factory will manufacture a custom icon component!
The original code came from this blog post
npm install react-icon-factory
First load into the IconFactory an object with the SVG for each icon.
var IconFactory = require('react-icon-factory');
// svg truncated for readability.
var Icon = IconFactory({
drafts: <g><path d="M21.99 8c0-.72-.37-1.35-.94-1></path></g>
"account-child": <g><path d="M16.5 12c1.38 0 -.28z"></path></g>
accessibility: <g><path d="M12 2c1.1 0 2 .9 2h18v2z"></path></g>
call: <g><path d="M6.62 10.79c1.44 2.83 3.76"></path></g>
"content-copy": <g><path d="M16 1h-12c-1.1 0"></path></g>
schedule: <g><path fillOpacity=".9" d="M11.9"></path></g>
Now with your newly baked Icon component, you can easily add icons to your site:
<Icon name="schedule" size=72/>
<Icon name="account-child" size=72/>
<Icon name="accessibility" size=72 />
<Icon name="call" size=72 />
<Icon name="content-copy" size=72 />
<Icon name="schedule" size=72 />
Finding icons.
The SVG for any icons you add to the factory must be designed to fit in a 24px square (this could also be made an option).
@dmfrancisco's post has all of Google's Material Design icons already formatted for this module.
The easiest way I've found to get SVG for icons from other sets is It handles the conversion of SVGs to the right format for
you. Note, you'll need to change the size (in the upper left hand
corner) to 24px before downloading the SVGs. You'll also want to edit
out the fill="#444444"
that's in each SVG. Then copy the
code and surround that in <g></g>
and it should then
be ready to add to the factory.
Future work
I'd love to take all open source icon sets and turn them into an NPM
module with the SVG for each icon as its own module. Then to use a new
icon, you'd simply require it drafts =
and add it too the IconFactory.
Couldn't be easier.